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线上讲座预告丨Sarah Lynne Bowman变革性的角色扮演游戏导论




自去年年底至今,得益于「游戏研究营地」伙伴们的热情和努力,已经有三期播客发布(可查阅落日间播客 E49E50E51 期)。此外,还有一些幕后的交流与工作也正在依靠“冒险者们”推进、书写。我们希望这样的“实验”可以作为线索,串联起不同领域与专业,实现更多的分享与跨界,并且它不应仅仅停留于“小圈子”式的实践。

故此,本文为「国际游戏研究小篝火」首期线上讲座预告,由游戏学者莎拉·林恩·鲍曼(Sarah Lynne Bowman)分享她在浸入 Nordic Larp(北欧实景角色扮演游戏)时所进行的“变革性”(transformation)研究。可扫描文末海报二维码,预约本场线上直播。

关于“变革”与“Nordic Larp”,可参考正文中整理自莎拉往期分享、文章的描述,以及最近发布的译介《Sarah Lynne Bowman 出血:玩家与角色之间的渗透作用 (2015)》。亦可前往由莎拉等编辑以及 Larp 爱好者们运营的网站 Nordiclarp.org。



Since the end of last year, thanks to the enthusiasm and efforts of our partners at the "Game Studies Camp," three podcast episodes have been released (see Sunset-Sway Podcast E49, E50, E51). In addition, there are also some behind-the-scenes exchanges and work being pushed forward and documented by our "adventurers." We hope such "experiments" can serve as threads, connecting different fields and professions, to facilitate more sharing and interdisciplinary interaction, and they should not merely remain as "niche" practices.

Therefore, this article serves as the announcement for the first online lecture of the "International Game Studies Campfire," featuring game scholar Sarah Lynne Bowman sharing her "transformative" research conducted while immersed in Nordic Larp (Nordic Live Action Role-Playing games). You can scan the QR code at the end of this article to join.

For more on "transformation" and "Nordic Larp," refer to the descriptions in the main text compiled from Sarah's past shares, articles. You can also visit the website Nordiclarp.org, operated by Sarah and other Larp enthusiasts and editors.

We hope that by inviting more scholars from both within China and abroad, Sunset-Sway can expand into forms beyond translations, transforming from a unidirectional and indirect approach to a bidirectional, direct, and open international game research exchange platform. We also welcome more game scholars to get in touch with us to jointly establish a medium for game research exchanges both domestically and internationally.

Looking forward to seeing you in the live room!





Our definitions of transformation:

  • 一种持久并持续的变化状态。

    A prolonged and sustained state of change.

  • 导向成长的过程或一系列过程。

    A process or series of processes that lead to growth.


When inspired by role-playing experiences, transformation can be:

  • 以显著的方式改变一个人对自己、他人或世界看法的状态。

    A state that alters a person’s view of themselves, others, or the world in significant ways.

  • 改变一个人与他人人际关系方式的状态,或有潜力改变社会和文化动态以构建更宏大的意识、和平和正义。

    A state that shifts the way a person relates to others interpersonally, and/or a state that has the potential to shift social and cultural dynamics in ways that can build toward greater awareness, peace, and justice.


What is a Role-playing Game?


Role-playing games are co-creative experiences in which participants immerse into fictional characters and realities for a bounded period of time through emergent playfulness.


  • 虚拟/数字角色扮演:通过计算机界面,以文字或图形为基础,单人或多人的游戏。

    Virtual/Digital Role-playing: text-based or graphical through a computer interface, single-player or multiplayer.

  • 桌面角色扮演(桌游):通常坐在桌边玩,有时使用骰子、角色卡和模型,较少实际动作,更多使用语言。

    Tabletop: Usually played sitting at a table, sometimes with dice, character sheets, and miniatures, less physical and more verbal.

  • 实景角色扮演(Larp):现实意义上的角色扮演,有时会加入服化道,并于特定地点进行。

    Live action role-playing (larp): Physically embodied role-playing, sometimes with costumes, props, and special locations.

什么是 Nordic Larp?


Nordic larp 是指挪威、瑞典、丹麦和芬兰共有的角色扮演游戏传统。与其他角色扮演游戏传统不同的是,Nordic larp 强调合作、集体创造、符合直觉的规则,以及丰富多样的游戏风格和设置,有时包括沉重的题材。

Nordic larp is a term for shared larp traditions in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. What sets the Nordic larp traditions apart from others is a strong emphasis on collaboration and collective creation, unobtrusive rules, as well as a rich variety of play styles and settings sometimes including heavy themes.

Nordic Larp 的特征

北欧国家有着非营利性自发组织的社会传统,因此北欧的角色扮演游戏通常在设计制作和实际游玩中都非常强调合作。通常以所有玩家平等参与,共同负责营造氛围、故事和体验作为前提。许多其他 Larp 传统中常见的 NPC、怪物和核心主线在 Nordic Larp 里很少见。

Steeped in societal traditions of non-profit self-organization in the Nordic countries, larps in the Nordics often are both created and played in a very collaborative way. The starting point usually is that all participants take equal part as players in a game with a shared responsibility for the atmosphere, story and experience. Non-player characters, monsters, and central plots, common in many other larp traditions, are rare.

Nordic Larp 的风格

不同风格的 Nordic Larp 在服装、道具和布景的水平上有很大差异。玩家们重视故事、演出和氛围。在具有冲突、摩擦的游戏中,输赢亦取决于以上理念,而非玩家间的勾心斗角。即使有规则,规则也很少,并且规则在设计上尽可能做到不破坏游戏的沉浸感。角色通常以性格特征、背景和动机来描述,而没有属性或带数值的技能。得分、经验点或升级极为罕见。

Different styles within the Nordic larp traditions have very varying levels of costuming, props and sets. Story, drama and atmosphere are held in high regard. In games with conflict, winning and losing most often serves these ideals more than player against player out of game competition. Rules are few when the exist at all and are often designed to break immersion as little as possible. Characters are generally described with personality traits, background and motivation without stats or numbered skills. Score, experience points or leveling are very rare.

在整个周末期间举办的流派各异的 Larp 构成了 Nordic Larp 坚实的基础。Larp 通常是一次性的活动,但有时也会作为共享世界或游戏系列的一部分。系列或战役这样的大型 Larp 通常每年最多主要举办一次。玩家经常在不同的 Larp 活动中扮演不同的角色,但有时也会在一个战役的多次活动中扮演同一个人。

The strong base in Nordic larp is weekend-long larp events in different genres. Larps are commonly one off events, sometimes as part of a shared world or series of larps. A larp series, or campaign, will often have at most one major yearly event. While players will sometimes portray the same characters at several events in a campaign, it’s common to play different characters at different larp events.

室内 Larp、黑盒 Larp、自由游戏和剧本游戏通常是在一个房间内,由较少的玩家在几小时内进行的短期 Larp。(注:以上可被认为是 Larp 的几种变体,室内 Larp 更强调小空间的运用,有时由胶带划分出界限即可进行,可参考电影《狗镇》(Dogville);黑盒 Larp 则在全黑的舞台中,比较类似实验剧场;自由游戏相当灵活,基本没有什么束缚,鼓励玩家自由创作;剧本游戏则几乎按照固定剧本进行,更类似国内所说的剧本杀。)

Chamber larps, black-box larps, free-form games and scenario games are shorter larps played by a smaller group of players, most often in a single room during a couple of hours.


在哥本哈根的 BlackBox Cph 艺术节中进行的黑盒 Larp。

在 Nordic Larp 中,Larp 可以被视为一种艺术实践和一种对参与者产生深刻意味的有效表达。探索严肃主题和思想的 Larp 在许多不同的类型和风格中很常见,而且并不死板。既有轻松愉快的黑盒 Larp,也有主题沉重的周末幻想游戏。

_In the Nordic larp tradition larps can be viewed as a artistic endeavor and a valid form of expression that can be deeply meaningful to the participants. Larps that explore serious themes and ideas are common in many different genres and styles, but it’s not universal. There are lighthearted black-box larps as well as thematically heavy weekend fantasy games.


2024.3.17(北京时间 UTC+8)
March 17, 2024 (Beijing Time UTC+8)

17**:00-18:00 线上直播**
Online Live Broadcast

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感谢 Hugh Davies
以及 Chinese DiGRA 的支持





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