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CrowdStrike与棘手的蓝屏错误 (BSOD)









Millions of machines around the world crashed a few days ago, showing the dreaded “Blue Screen of Death” (BSOD), affecting banks, airports, hospitals, and many other businesses, all using the Windows OS and CrowdStrike’s Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) software. What was going on? How can such a calamity happen in one single swoop?


First, foul play was suspected – a cyber security attack perhaps. But it turned out to be a bad update of CrowdStrike’s “Falcon” software agent that caused all this mess. What is a BSOD anyway?


Code running on Windows can run in two primary modes – user mode and kernel mode. User mode is restricted in its access, which cannot harm the OS. This is the mode applications run with – such as Explorer, Word, Notepad, and any other application. Kernel mode, however, has (almost) unlimited power. But, as the American hero movies like to say, “With great power comes great responsibility” – and this is where things can go wrong.


Kernel code is trusted, by definition, because it can do anything. The Windows kernel is the main part of kernel space, but third-party components may be installed in the kernel, called device drivers. Classic device drivers are required to manage hardware devices – connecting them to the rest of the OS. The fact that you can move your cursor with the mouse, see something on the screen, hear game sounds, etc., means there are device drivers dealing with the hardware correctly, some of which are not written by Microsoft.


If a driver misbehaves, such as causing an exception to occur, the system crashes with the infamous BSOD. This is not some kind of punishment, but a protection mechanism. If a driver misbehaves (or any other kernel component), it is best to stop now, rather than letting the code continue execution which might cause more damage, like data corruption, and even prevent Windows from starting successfully.


Third party drivers are the only entities that Microsoft has no full control over. Drivers must be properly signed, but that only guarantees that they have not been tampered with, as it does not necessarily guarantee quality.


Most Windows systems have some Anti-virus or EDR software protecting them. By default, you get Windows Defender, but there are more powerful EDRs out there, CrowdStrike’s Falcon being one of the leaders in this space.

大多数Windows系统都配有防病毒或EDR软件来保护自己。默认情况下,系统自带的是Windows Defender,但市场上还有一些更强大的EDR解决方案,比如CrowdStrike的Falcon,它在这一领域中是领先者之一。

The “incident” involved a bad update that caused a BSOD when Windows restarted. Restarting again did not help, as a BSOD was showing immediately because of a bug in the driver when it’s loaded and initialized. The only recourse was to boot the system in Safe Mode, where only a minimal set of drivers is loaded, disable the problematic driver, and reboot again. Unfortunately, this has to be done manually on millions of machines.


The Windows kernel treats all kernel components in the same way, regardless of whether that component is from Microsoft or not. Any driver, no matter how insignificant, that causes an unhandled exception, will crash the system with a BSOD. Maybe it would be wise to somehow designate drivers as “important” or “not that important” so they may be treated differently in case of failure. But that is not how Windows works, and in any case, an anti-malware driver is likely to be tagged as “important”.


This entire incident certainly raises questions and concerns – a single point of failure has shown itself in full force. Perhaps a different approach to handling kernel components should be considered.


Personally, I was never comfortable with Windows uniform treatment of kernel components and drivers, but in practice it’s unclear what would be a good way to deal with such exceptions. One alternative is to write drivers in user mode, and many are written in this way, especially to handle relatively slow devices, like USB devices. This works well, but is not good enough for an EDR’s needs.


Perhaps specifically for anti-malware drivers, any unhandled exception should be treated differently by disabling the driver in some way. Not easy to do – the driver has typically registered with the kernel (e.g. PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx and others), its callbacks may be running right now – how would the kernel “disable” it safely. I don’t think there is a safe way to do that without significant changes in driver protocols. The best one case do (in theory) is issue a BSOD, but disable the offending driver automatically, so that the next restart will work, and a warning can be issued to the user.

针对防病毒驱动程序,可能需要在出现未处理的异常时采取不同的处理方式,比如通过某种方法禁用这个驱动程序。这并不容易实现,因为驱动程序通常已经在内核中注册(比如通过 PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx 等接口),其回调可能正在运行——所以内核如何安全地禁用它呢?在没有对驱动程序协议进行重大改动的情况下,做到这一点非常困难。理论上,最好的办法是触发蓝屏错误(BSOD),同时自动禁用有问题的驱动程序,以便下次重启时系统可以正常启动,并向用户发出警告。

This is not ideal, but is certainly better than the alternative experienced in the recent crash. Why is it not ideal? First, the system will be unprotected, unless some default (like Defender) would automatically take over. Second, it’s difficult to determine with 100% certainty that the driver causing the crash is the ultimate culprit. For example, another (buggy) driver may write to anywhere in kernel space, including memory that may belong to our anti-malware driver, and that write operation does not cause an immediate crash since the memory is valid. Later, our driver will stumble upon the bad data and crash. Even so, some kind of mechanism to prevent the widespread crash must be set in place.

这虽然不是最理想的解决方案,但肯定比最近经历的崩溃要好。为什么说它不是最理想的呢?首先,系统将会失去保护,除非有一些默认程序(比如Windows Defender)能自动接管保护功能。其次,很难百分之百确认导致崩溃的驱动程序就是唯一的原因。例如,其他有问题的驱动程序可能会写入内核空间中的任意位置,包括可能属于我们防病毒驱动程序的内存,而这种写入操作可能不会立即导致崩溃,因为内存仍然有效。后来,我们的驱动程序可能会遇到这些损坏的数据,从而引发崩溃。尽管如此,还是需要某种机制来防止大规模的系统崩溃。




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